We can help you become a mom


Here begins the road towards your baby!

Your Initial Program is the first step of the Assisted Reproduction treatment that will bring your baby home. Together we’ll do our best to achieve it, with a totally personalized plan.
Our Initial Program is for women who have been trying to have a baby for 6 months or more and have not succeeded.
It was not only created for women who are going through a fertility matter, but also for those who until now are determined to live their motherhood.
It is a program for women who know the impossible doesn’t exist and that solutions are sought until they're found, for those who do not give up and are willing to do their best to become moms.
Our Initial Program is the key step that will bring you closer to that great dream: your baby. With it, you and the Reproduction specialists will be able to choose the ideal treatment with which you will achieve the result you have been waiting for.

What does the Initial Program include?

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