
Ingenes Hermosillo

Open Since:


Medical Director:

Dr. Enrique Sánchez Posada

Opening Hours:

Monday to Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Saturday 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM


Blvd. Paseo Río Sonora Nte. 70, Colonia Río Sonora Hermosillo XXI, Vado Prime Center Local L21, L22 y L23. C.P. 83270. Hermosillo, Sonora.
Ingenes has landed in Sonora's capital, right in the heart of Mexico's second-largest state. We're here to bring the most advanced assisted reproduction treatments closer to more people.

Right next to Arizona, Sonora has become a go-to for medical tourism, especially for patients from the United States looking for top-notch technology and a team of experts. Our new home on Boulevard Río Sonora is surrounded by modern offices and shopping centers, equipped with everything from an operating room and a welcoming reception to consultation rooms, state-of-the-art IVF and andrology labs, and private recovery rooms.

Our expert, multidisciplinary team is eager to make your dreams come true in the north of Mexico.
Permiso Cofepris: 133300201A1156
Dr. Felipe Camargo Cédula Profesional SEP: 4452501
©Todos los derechos reservados 2024. Instituto Ingenes, Fertilidad & Genética