
Causes of infertility

Learn more about the causes of infertility and the factors that could be prohibiting you from having a baby.

A common problem

Worldwide, almost 200 million people face problems conceiving (WHO). In USA alone 11% of women and 9% of men in childbearing age experience some situation that compromises their reproductive health. Although in 98% of all these cases there are Assisted Reproduction alternatives that can help them, most of them do not usually go to specialists who can provide them with adequate treatment for the causes of their infertility.

How do I know if I need help to having a baby?

Infertility is the inability to have a baby after 12 months of unprotected intercourse. In case you are 35 years old or older, this period decreases to 6 months, and in any of these cases, it is advisable to see gynecologists and specialists in Reproductive Biology.
Assisted Reprouction

How do I know if I need help to have a baby?

Problems conceiving can be due to both male and female factors, which can be caused by medical, environmental or lifestyle issues.

Approximately, of the total number of people of reproductive age who have difficulties having a baby, these have the following origin:

In 30% of people having issues affecting conception, the problem is male. In 30% of people having issues affecting conception, the problem is female. In the 20% of people having issues affecting conception, the problem stems from a combination of male and female factors. In 10% of people having issues affecting conception, the problem is due to unknown causes.

5 main factors that cause infertility

Although there are multiple reasons that can be related to problems conceiving and causes of infertility, there are 5 main factors that concentrate different conditions.

If you want to know more about these conditions, we invite you to click on each one.
- Ovulatory factor: refers to all those alterations in ovulation, which can occur due to hormonal imbalances or any disorder in the ovaries.

- Uterine factor: includes different affectations in the uterus, which interfere with the correct implantation of the embryo and the proper development of the pregnancy.

- Tubal factor: refers to any damage to the fallopian tubes, which makes it difficult for the sperm to travel through and unite with the egg.

- Embryonic factor: alterations in the development or implantation of the embryo.

- Male factor: problems with sperm concentration, motility and shape, which affect their ability to fertilize the egg.

Evaluate your reproductive health to have your baby

If you are facing problems conceiving, the first thing you should do is find out exactly what is causing it, by consulting a reproductive specialist.

Take the first step to fulfill your dream!
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