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Looking for an alternative to egg donation? Your age is not a barrier!

Ovarian regeneration is a safe and effective option that increases the chances of having a baby with your own eggs.
What is Ovarian Regeneration?
Ovarian regeneration uses nutrients, proteins, and growth factors to enhance the ovarian environment, improve response to stimulation, and increase egg quality. Ovagen is a safe and effective option to consider before egg donation.

Who is Ovagen: Ovarian Rejuvenation ideal for?

• Those wanting to have a baby with their own eggs
• Those looking for alternatives to egg donation
• Women diagnosed with fertility issues due to age
• Individuals who have canceled IVF cycles due to poor response
• Women under 40 with low ovarian response
• Women over 40 who still have menstrual cycles

Ingenes Research Publication

1.- Dinorah Hernández-Melchor, Iván Madrazo, América Padilla-Viveros, Felipe Camargo, Esther López-Bayghen. “Personalized regenerative strategies and molecular diagnosis for in vitro fertilization success: a case report”. Oxford Medical Case Reports. Volume 2023. Issue 4. April 2023. Omad037.

Is Ovarian Regeneration Right for You?

Schedule a consultation to determine if this treatment is suitable for you and increase your chances of having a baby with your own eggs.
Schedule Your Appointment

Egg Donation is Not the Only Option

When egg quality and quantity are not optimal, egg donation is a common solution. However, ovarian regeneration offers a safe and effective alternative, improving the quality and quantity of your own eggs.

Understanding Your Ovarian Reserve

The ovarian reserve is the number of eggs available in a woman's ovaries. Women are born with about 1 million eggs, which decrease with age.

By the time women reach their most fertile years (20-30), only about 400 eggs remain. This number continues to decline until menopause, affecting both the quantity and quality of eggs.

Other Factors Affecting Egg Quality

• Genetic issues
• Immune problems
• Cancer treatments
• Smoking
• Endometriosis
• Obesity
• Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
• Low ovarian reserve
• Poor ovarian response

Internationally Recognized Results

In the last year, Ingenes has helped over 200 individuals achieve pregnancy with their own eggs through ovarian regeneration, making us experts and pioneers in Latin America.

Ovagen Application Procedure: Step-by-Step

The application of Ovagen is done before starting Ovarian Stimulation, following 4 steps in a single day:
1. Blood Sample Collection:
A blood sample is taken from your arm.
2. Processing Growth Factors:
While your nurse prepares you for the Ovagen application, the blood sample is processed in the lab to obtain Endogenous Growth Factors.
3. Delivery to Doctor:
Thirty minutes later, these nutrients are delivered to your doctor.
4. Application in the Operating Room:
In the operating room, your doctor applies the nutrients directly to the ovaries. This outpatient procedure takes approximately 20 minutes.
5. Post-Procedure Recommendation:
After the application, it is recommended to wait 1 to 3 months before starting ovarian stimulation for optimal results.

Advancing Reproductive Science with Ovagen

Our research team is dedicated to innovation and teaching in reproductive sciences, developing cutting-edge technology and new methods to increase success rates and achieve pregnancy in the shortest time possible. In collaboration with leading researchers from Cinvestav-IPN, we've developed Ovagen.
Learn More

Increase your chances of pregnancy while using your own egg cells with Ovagen

• In 86% of post-Ovagen cycles, we obtain eggs for IVF, and in 56%, we have embryos ready for transfer.
• Combining Ovagen with PGT-A doubles the chances of having chromosomally healthy embryos.
• With transferable embryos, there is up to a 42% chance of pregnancy (vs. 9% without Ovagen).

Contact us to explore all the options to make your dream of holding your baby come true.
Tell Us About Yourself

Key References and Research Supporting Our Treatments

1.- Hsu, Chao-Chin et al. “Live Birth in Woman With Premature Ovarian Insufficiency Receiving Ovarian Administration of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) in Combination With Gonadotropin: A Case Report.” Frontiers in endocrinology vol. 11 50. 19 Feb. 2020, doi:10.3389/fendo.2020.00050

2.- Sfakianoudis, Konstantinos et al. “Autologous Platelet-Rich Plasma Treatment Enables Pregnancy for a Woman in Premature Menopause.” Journal of clinical medicine vol. 8,1 1. 20 Dec. 2018, doi:10.3390/jcm8010001

3.- Panda, Soumya R et al. “A Systematic Review Evaluating the Efficacy of Intra-Ovarian Infusion of Autologous Platelet-Rich Plasma in Patients With Poor Ovarian Reserve or Ovarian Insufficiency.” Cureus vol. 12,12 e12037. 12 Dec. 2020, doi:10.7759/cureus.12037

4.- Pantos, Konstantinos et al. “A Case Series on Natural Conceptions Resulting in Ongoing Pregnancies in Menopausal and Prematurely Menopausal Women Following Platelet-Rich Plasma Treatment.” Cell transplantation vol. 28,9-10 (2019): 1333-1340. doi:10.1177/0963689719859539

5.-Sfakianoudis, Konstantinos et al. “A Case Series on Platelet-Rich Plasma Revolutionary Management of Poor Responder Patients.” Gynecologic and obstetric investigation vol. 84,1 (2019): 99-106. doi:10.1159/000491697

6.-Sills, E Scott et al. “First data on in vitro fertilization and blastocyst formation after intraovarian injection of calcium gluconate-activated autologous platelet rich plasma.” Gynecological endocrinology : the official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology vol. 34,9 (2018): 756-760. doi:10.1080/09513590.2018.1445219

7.- Petryk, Nataliia, and Mykhailo Petryk. “Ovarian Rejuvenation Through Platelet-Rich Autologous Plasma (PRP)-a Chance to Have a Baby Without Donor Eggs, Improving the Life Quality of Women Suffering from Early Menopause Without Synthetic Hormonal Treatment.” Reproductive sciences (Thousand Oaks, Calif.) vol. 27,11 (2020): 1975-1982. doi:10.1007/s43032-020-00266-8

8.- Sfakianoudis, Konstantinos et al. “Reactivating Ovarian Function through Autologous Platelet-Rich Plasma Intraovarian Infusion: Pilot Data on Premature Ovarian Insufficiency, Perimenopausal, Menopausal, and Poor Responder Women.” Journal of clinical medicine vol. 9,6 1809. 10 Jun. 2020, doi:10.3390/jcm9061809

9.- Melo, P et al. “The use of autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP) versus no intervention in women with low ovarian reserve undergoing fertility treatment: a non-randomized interventional study.” Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics vol. 37,4 (2020): 855-863. doi:10.1007/s10815-020-01710-z

10.-Cakiroglu, Yigit et al. “Effects of intraovarian injection of autologous platelet rich plasma on ovarian reserve and IVF outcome parameters in women with primary ovarian insufficiency.” Aging vol. 12,11 (2020): 10211-10222. doi:10.18632/aging.103403

11.- Farimani, Marzie et al. “A report on three live births in women with poor ovarian response following intra-ovarian injection of platelet-rich plasma (PRP).” Molecular biology reports vol. 46,2 (2019): 1611-1616. doi:10.1007/s11033-019-04609-w

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