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Tubal Factor Infertility

In order for you to have a baby, your fallopian tubes must be healthy so that the egg can travel through them and meet a sperm to be fertilized.

The fallopian tubes are the structures of the female reproductive system that connect the ovaries to the uterus. Their function is to collect the egg released by the ovary, allow it to meet the sperm and fertilize them, and, finally, transport the embryo to the uterus (where it must implant to become pregnant). Any damage to the fallopian tubes can make it difficult for the sperm to travel down the fallopian tube and unite with your egg, causing infertility.

Main causes that can damage your fallopian tubes

- Pelvic adhesions:  scars formed between your pelvic organs (ovaries, fallopian tubes, bladder and bowel).

- Chlamydia:  a common sexually transmitted disease that may be asymptomatic.

- Hydrosalpinx: blockage or dilatation of your tubes due to a build-up of fluid inside.

- Vaginal infections: they can reach your cervix, causing alterations or lesions that lead to infertility.

- Tubal ligation:  surgery to close the tubes that connect the ovaries to the uterus.

Can I have a baby if I have tubal factor infertility?

Any impediment or alteration that you are going through in your fallopian tubes can be properly addressed and is not an impediment to having a baby. If this is your case, the safest and most viable option to become a mother is In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).

Schedule an Appointment for Tubal Factor Infertility at Ingenes

 Together, we will make your biggest dream come true.

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Dr. Felipe Camargo Cédula Profesional SEP: 4452501
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