
What is a tubal ligation?

Tubal ligation (or tubal occlusion) is one of the main surgical procedures for the sterilization of women.

It consists of cutting, clamping, blocking, tying or cauterizing the fallopian tubes, thus making it impossible for the egg to travel from the ovary to the uterus, and in turn, preventing the sperm from meeting the egg and fertilizing it.

Can I have a baby if I have had my tubes tied?

Although tubal ligation is considered a permanent sterilization method, there are several procedures that make it possible to conceive a baby again, and it is up to the woman and medical advice to decide which is the most suitable.
What's usually the best option for having a baby if i had my tubes tied?
Assisted Reproduction specialists worldwide recommend In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) over any other treatment, because it's the procedure with fewer long-term complications (common in a tubal reconnection surgery, for example) and the woman can maintain her tubal ligation, i.e., since fertilization takes place in a laboratory, the patient does not need to use contraceptives again and can continue to have control over her fertility once she has conceived the desired baby.

In addition to these advantages, IVF has important guarantees of having a baby at home in a very short time:

-The risk of ectopic pregnancy is eliminated.
-Pregnancy can be achieved within a few weeks, whereas with tubal recanalization it takes up to a year.
-It is more likely to be successful if there are other conditions causing infertility, either on the woman's or the man's side.
-When combined with methods such as Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis, it can detect common genetic and chromosomal abnormalities in women over the age of 35.

Are there any risks associated with IVF when having a tubal ligation?

At the time of ovarian stimulation, it is essential that a reproductive specialist monitors the patient to avoid Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome or multiple pregnancies. These are possible risks, but they can be ruled out and easily avoided when using first class doctors.
Our Multicycle Programs are the best option to fulfill your dream with up to 4 In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) attempts to give you the maximum peace of mind and security that you will have your baby at home.
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