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What is Timed Intercourse?

Timed intercouse is a Low Complexity Assisted Reproduction treatment, that synchronises ovulation to determine the best time for the couple to have intercourse and increase their chances of achieving pregnancy.

This method closely tracks the woman’s menstrual cycle to identify the most fertile days. By knowing when ovulation occurs, the couple can plan intercourse at the optimal time for conception. It's the least invasive technique, with which many couples can find the perfect time to become parents.

Many couples succeed with this method, which helps them pinpoint the perfect time to conceive. Infertility timed intercourse treatments like TIC fertility can be very effective for couples with mild fertility issues. For this reason, it is worth considering when discussing options with the center personnel.

Who is it recommended for?

This type of technique is ideal for couples in some of these scenarios:
-Women under 32 who want to increase their chances of conception
-Couples who have been trying to get pregnant for a few months without success
-People who do not have a specific infertility diagnosis yet

How does it work?

Timed intercourse is a straightforward method that aligns sexual intercourse with the woman’s most fertile days. By carefully monitoring ovulation, this method increases the chances of conception. It’s a natural approach, making it a preferred choice for many couples trying to conceive.
This method synchronizes ovulation with sexual intercourse by monitoring egg development. The goal is to determine the timing with the highest chance of fertilization.
Through various tests and menstrual cycle monitoring, our specialist will help you create a plan for timed intercourse to increase your chances of conceiving. They will determine whether or not ovulation medication is necessary to help the eggs mature.
This requires an egg to be released for fertilization, so your body must be prepared to carry out this process during intercourse. Proper preparation ensures that sperm is present in the reproductive tract when the egg is released, giving the best chance for successful fertilization.
Timed intercourse is a simple yet effective approach to fertility. With careful planning and guidance from a specialist, this method can significantly improve your chances of getting pregnant.

General steps of timed intercourse

For those worried about infertility timed intercourse can be precisely what you need. It involves a series of steps to ensure that intercourse happens at the most fertile time.

This process requires close monitoring of the woman’s menstrual cycle, hormone levels, and ovulation signs. Each step is crucial for increasing the chances of conception, and our TIC fertility specialists will guide you through every stage. From the start of the menstrual cycle to the moment of timed intercourse, each phase is carefully planned.

This structured approach helps to align sexual activity with the period when the egg is most likely to be fertilized, increasing the chances of pregnancy.

Step 1: Period starts

The process begins on day 1 of the menstrual cycle. Knowing the exact start date allows the TIC fertility specialist to calculate the best days for monitoring and treatment. Accurate tracking from the beginning is critical to successful timed intercourse fertility treatment.

Step 2: Ultrasound baseline

An ultrasound baseline is performed between days 2 and 5 of the menstrual cycle to assess the ovaries and uterus at the start of the cycle. The fertility specialist uses this information to check the number and size of follicles in the ovaries.

Step 3: Medication begins

These medications help the eggs mature and increase the chances of successful ovulation. The type and dosage of medication depend on the woman’s specific needs and how her body responds. Medication is usually taken for several days, and its progress is closely monitored.

Step 4: Monitoring the ovaries

This step tracks the growth and development of the follicles in the ovaries. Monitoring ensures that the eggs are maturing correctly and helps the specialist determine the exact timing for the next steps. Frequent check-ups allow for adjustments in medication if necessary and help minimize risks.

Step 5: Trigger shot

The trigger shot is a hormone injection that stimulates ovulation. This shot is usually given when the follicles have reached the right size, indicating that the eggs are mature. The shot causes the eggs to be released from the ovaries within 36 to 40 hours.

Step 6: Timed intercourse

Infertility timed intercourse is scheduled based on the ovulation timeline established by the trigger shot. The fertility specialist advises the couple on the best time to have intercourse, usually within 24-36 hours after the shot. This timing ensures sperm is present in the reproductive tract when the egg is released. By precisely scheduling intercourse, the chances of fertilization are significantly increased.

Step 7: Progesterone testing

About a week after timed intercourse, a progesterone test is performed to confirm ovulation. Progesterone levels in the blood show whether ovulation has occurred successfully. This test also helps determine if the body is producing enough progesterone to support a potential pregnancy. Adequate progesterone levels suggest that the timing of intercourse was optimal and that the chances of pregnancy are good.

Success Rates For Timed Intercourse

Success rates for timed intercourse depend on several factors, including the woman’s age, the cause of infertility, and sperm quality. Generally, timed intercourse has a success rate of 15% to 20% per cycle for women under 35. This percentage may decrease with age or other underlying fertility issues.

However, success rates can improve with multiple cycles. Accurate timing and monitoring are vital in increasing the chances of conception. With the support of a TIC fertility specialist, many couples find that timed intercourse is a natural and effective way to address infertility.

By carefully planning and executing each step, timed intercourse can help couples achieve their goal of becoming parents.

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