
13 de September, 2023

How is In Vitro Fertilization carried out?

In vitro fertilization, better known by its acronym IVF, is an advanced technique that has opened new doors for couples who want to become parents. Here we detail its process and relevance.


What is IVF?

IVF is a procedure where oocytes (eggs) and sperm join together outside the body. This technique is a direct result of progress in reproductive medicine.

The Origin of the Term

"In vitro" comes from Latin, meaning "in glass." This is because fertilization occurs in glass containers, such as test tubes and Petri dishes.


Why opt for IVF?

Originally designed to address problems in the fallopian tubes, IVF has been shown to be effective in treating various causes of infertility.

Preparation and Procedure

The success of IVF depends on the health of the oocytes and sperm, as well as the ability of the uterus to sustain the pregnancy. Ovular donors go through a stimulation process to produce multiple follicles. Once mature, the oocytes are extracted with precision, using an ultrasound-guided needle. Only the best quality oocytes are selected for the fertilization process. After approximately 48 hours, the fertilized oocyte evolves into an embryo ready to be transferred to the patient.

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