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6 de February, 2024

The role of biologists in fertility treatments

We must emphasize that to achieve the highest probability of success in Assisted Reproduction treatments, the joined efforts of a multidisciplinary team are required, this crew is made up of doctors, scientists, and professionals from branches such as Medicine, Andrology, Embryology, Chemistry, Psychology, and Biology, all of them being experts in the field of Human Reproduction. This is where biologists also take a vital role, working in close collaboration with each other to create life.

Importance of biologists in creating life with fertility treatment.

The biologists are necessary for different phases of the process and are particularly in charge of:

  • Receiving the eggs obtained from the patient in the Assisted Reproduction laboratory
  • Carrying out the union of the egg with the sperm to start the fertilization process in a specialized In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) laboratory.
  • Supervise the complete development of the embryos in special incubators.
  • Select the most suitable embryos for transfer to the uterus. 

Also, for those cases in which the patient must perform an Implantation Score test, which is a non-invasive genetic study performed on the egg cells to identify the embryos with the highest implantation potential to increase the success of having a baby; the biologists and embryologists are in charge of calculating and predicting the implantation potential.

Biologist or embryologist: differences and roles in Assisted Reproduction

Reproductive biology encompasses different aspects of fertility such as the study of biomedical problems of the reproductive functions of people, including reproductive endocrinology and mechanisms of hormonal action at a molecular level. 

Frozen eggs preserved at the IVF lab

While human embryology is a subdiscipline of genetics, which in turn is a branch of biology, and is responsible for studying embryonic and nervous development from the first days until the moment of birth of living beings.

That is, reproductive biology is a whole, a general and broad knowledge of each part of the reproductive process, which is necessary to succeed in an Assisted Reproduction treatment; and human embryology is an area much more specific and focused on the development of embryos, from the fertilization process until their birth. 


Both areas of knowledge are necessary to carry out an integral fertility treatment, which allows to an increase in the probability of having a baby in the shortest possible time.

Our biologists share their thoughts

We asked our specialist, Jeimy Pedraza, director of the In Vitro Fertilization Laboratory at Ingenes; a biologist by profession, who specialized in embryology and is certified by the Latin American Network of Assisted Reproduction (REDLARA), about the significance of her work at Ingenes and how this impacts the lives of patients who begin their fertility treatment.

Our team of Emrbyologists at Ingenes

Jeimy Pedraza 

We know everything about our patients before they arrive at the laboratory and as we go through the process: if the woman is over 35 years old, if her ovarian reserve is not ideal, how long the couple has been trying to conceive if the patient is worried because it is her third attempt, if her transfer has to be delayed and the embryos have to wait a little longer, or if the embryo is not suitable for transfer.

Here, we inject about 100 eggs or more in a normal working day, but each one of them is different, each embryo, each patient, each story. We must know in depth each woman, each person whose cells come to us, we must know because all of that influences the success of her having a baby, it influences her achieving what she has desired so much. 

As biologists and embryologists, we know everything that is involved, everything that converges for a life to be formed, everything that intervenes for that miracle to occur, that is what impresses me and what I love most about this work

We see it as more than just cells, we create life."

Says Jeimy Pedraza, IVF Lab Manager at Ingenes

At Ingenes, our biologists and embryologists are the basis of every successful treatment.

Without the help and commitment of our team of biologists and embryologists, along with the high standards that they have helped us to install in our laboratory, it would not be possible to achieve any positive result with the thousands of families who were looking for a baby and whom we have helped.

Each patient whom we support to give a new engine of life and with whom we have been able to get their Star At Home, finds in Assisted Reproduction a real solution, thanks to the multidisciplinary team that we have consolidated in Ingenes.

Have you been trying for a baby for over a year without success?

If you would like to have a consultation with one of our fertility specialists to learn your diagnosis, tell us about yourself by clicking on this link and we will gladly advise you.

Discover the best treatment for you at Ingenes

Our mission is to help you make an informed decision about your reproductive health, we'll create a fully personalized treatment for you, and make your dream come true.
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