
22 de December, 2023

Drink Less Alcohol to Protect Fertility: A Necessary Change

Alcohol consumption is a common habit in modern society, but when it comes to fertility, it can be a significant obstacle. In this article, we will delve into how alcohol affects fertility in both men and women and why it is essential to consider reducing your consumption when planning a family.

Effects of Alcohol on Female Fertility: A Detailed Look

Alcohol consumption in women can be a major factor in infertility. Research indicates that even moderate alcohol consumption can cause irregularities in the menstrual cycle and problems with ovulation. A study published in the "Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health" found that women who consume more than five alcoholic drinks a week decrease their chances of conceiving.

Additionally, alcohol can affect the quality of your eggs. According to a study in the "Fertility and Sterility Journal", excessive alcohol consumption is associated with a lower ovarian reserve and poorer oocyte quality. This translates into a lower success rate in fertility treatments such as IVF.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a common cause of infertility, can also be exacerbated by alcohol consumption. PCOS affects approximately 10% of women of reproductive age and alcohol can worsen its symptoms, further complicating the conception process.

Effects of Alcohol on Male Fertility: Impact on Sperm Quality

As for men, alcohol hurts fertility. A study in the "British Medical Journal" revealed that alcohol consumption can reduce sperm count and quality. For example, men who drink regularly can experience up to a 33% reduction in their sperm count and a decrease in sperm motility.

Additionally, alcohol can negatively affect libido and erectile function. A study in "The Journal of Sexual Medicine" found that excessive alcohol consumption is strongly linked to erectile dysfunction. Not only does this affect a couple's ability to conceive naturally, it can also cause stress and strain on the relationship.

These data underscore the importance of reducing alcohol consumption when trying to conceive. At Ingenes, we recommend couples looking to have a baby seriously consider the influence of alcohol on their reproductive health and make the necessary adjustments to maximize their chances of success.

Tips to Reduce Alcohol Consumption

Here we will provide practical strategies to reduce alcohol consumption. From setting personal boundaries to finding support from friends and family, there are several ways to decrease your alcohol intake and increase your chances of conceiving.

The Impact of a Healthy Lifestyle

This chapter highlights the importance of a healthy lifestyle beyond alcohol consumption. Nutrition, exercise, and avoiding harmful substances such as tobacco are essential to improve reproductive health.

Professional Support on the Path to Conception

At Ingenes, we offer specialized support and advice for couples and women looking to conceive. From fertility assessments to personalized treatments, our experts are here to help.

A Small Change, A Big Impact

Reducing alcohol consumption is more than just a lifestyle change; It is an essential step to take care of fertility and increase the chances of having a baby. Remember that every little change counts whether you're just starting your journey toward parenthood or already on it.

Ready to make a positive change in your reproductive health? Contact Ingenes today and start your journey towards a healthier, happier future with your baby.

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