
26 de May, 2023

Infertility Factors: Understanding the Ovarian Reserve

We know that embarking on the beautiful journey toward motherhood is exciting and full of hope. We want to ensure that you have all the necessary information to make informed decisions on this very special journey. One of the key aspects you need to consider is your ovarian reserve. Let's explore together the importance of ovarian reserve and how it can affect your fertility. With this knowledge, we will empower you to make informed decisions as you approach your dream of becoming a mother.


What is the Ovarian Reserve?

The ovarian reserve refers to the quantity and quality of your eggs (oocytes) in your ovaries. It is a key indicator of your reproductive potential and can have a significant impact on your ability to conceive. Your ovarian reserve is established from birth and decreases gradually as you age. It is important to note that this decline accelerates especially in your thirties and forties, which can affect your fertility and increase the risk of facing challenges on your path to motherhood.

Key factors

Age: Our age plays a significant role in determining the ovarian reserve. As we age, the quantity and quality of our eggs decrease. It's a natural and common occurrence. However, it's important to note that after 35 years, fertility can significantly decrease. But don't worry, every journey is unique!

Family History: Your family history can also influence your ovarian reserve. If there have been cases of early menopause in your family, you may have a reduced ovarian reserve. Discussing this with a fertility specialist can help you get a clearer picture.

Medical history: Some ovarian surgeries, like the removal of cysts or tumors, can affect your ovarian reserve. Sometimes, these surgeries can cause damage to your ovaries or decrease their function. If you've had previous ovarian surgeries, make sure to inform your doctor so they can provide you with the appropriate care. It's important to know that some medical treatments, such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy, can damage your ovaries and reduce your ovarian reserve. If you've received or plan to receive these types of treatments, it's advisable to talk with your doctor about the fertility preservation options that could be available to you.

Lifestyle and Overall Health: Your lifestyle and overall health can also influence your ovarian reserve. Factors such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, obesity, and chronic diseases can negatively impact your ovarian health and therefore, your ovarian reserve.


Your ovarian reserve is an important factor to consider as you embark on the path to motherhood. Understanding its significance and the factors that can influence it provides you with valuable information for making informed decisions. Remember that everybody is unique and that options are available to assist you in your dream of becoming a mother. If you have concerns about your ovarian reserve or wish to explore more about your fertility options, we are here to accompany you every step of the way.

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