
9 de September, 2023

Planning a baby? These foods boost your fertility

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the nutritional and general health status of the mother before and during pregnancy directly affects the baby, an issue in which there is gradually greater awareness about adequate nutrition, in these stages.

In this sense, the importance of food is fundamental due to its capacity for influence, daily life, and essentiality, so taking care of this aspect in the planning stage will have positive results.


Thus, specialists recommend the consumption of the foods that we present below, due to their great contribution to essential nutrients for this phase when women are looking to welcome a baby into their lives:

Fertility in action

  1. Whole dairy products, oily fish, and egg yolk three to four times a week:

By full-fat dairy, we refer to those products that are not reduced in fat or lactose-free, such as milk, cheese, yogurt or cream. It is worth mentioning that there are exceptions if you are lactose intolerant, of course.

On the other hand, among the fish most consumed at this stage are salmon, trout, herring, sardines, anchovies and dogfish. Consuming one to three servings a week of these fish is enough to provide a good supply of zinc and omega 3 fatty acids that promote your baby's brain development.

The fish must be well cooked, you will notice that it is ready when it can be easily torn apart, and you must avoid eating large and predatory fish such as shark, swordfish, king mackerel or tilefish, to reduce your exposure to the mercury contained in these specimens, as well as smoked fish.

Additionally, in all these foods you will find vitamin D, an essential nutrient for absorbing calcium and promoting bone health, reducing the risk of autoimmune conditions, and preventing the development of different types of cancer.

2. Vegetables, legumes, nuts and whole grains:

Vitamins and minerals are found in all these foods, especially folate, which prevents the development of defects in the baby's neural tube.

Some good examples of vegetables and greens: Swiss Chard, basil, celery, onion, cauliflower, spinach, lettuce, parsley, radish.

Among the most common legumes we find: Beans, broad beans, lentils and chickpeas.

As whole grains we have: wheat, barley, rye, brown rice, whole grains of corn, oats and sorghum as some examples.

Worldwide, these neural tube defects at birth affect one in every 33 newborn babies, according to data from the WHO, and the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), in Mexico 75% of cases of Damage to the neural tube correspond to spina bifida.

3. Foods of animal origin:

We refer to red and white meats such as beef, chicken, fish, pork, and shellfish in a special section, as they are high in vitamin B12, which, like folate, influences the development of the nervous system and prevents complications in its formation. They also provide an important contribution of iron, which is essential for the creation of red blood cells in the blood, which prevents maternal anemia, low weight at birth, and premature birth.

On the other hand, the deficiency of these nutrients contributes to the baby developing metabolic problems such as type 2 diabetes in the future, and the WHO estimates that more than 40% of pregnant women in the world suffer from anemia, which is mainly caused by iron deficiency.

Additional recommendations

Among other recommendations that specialists consider important to achieve their desired pregnancy, are maintaining an active life and eliminating harmful habits that will harm the baby's development, such as alcohol or tobacco consumption.

Regardless of the importance of food variety, there are two crucial points to keep in mind at this stage: portions and preparation.

With this information, they specify that a woman planning a baby must be evaluated by a nutritionist, so that her diet is in accordance with the specific characteristics of her current state of health and nutrition, and the way in which the future mother prepares their food will influence healthy weight gain once pregnancy is achieved.

For this point, nutritionists recommend the following details of food preparation:

  1. Diminish harmful fat by use
  2. Use herbs and spices to increase the flavor of food and reduce the use of salt.
  3. Drink enough water, about two liters a day
  4. Choose lean meats. That is, without fat.
  5. Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables
  6. Use vegetable oil instead of lard, butter or margarine.

It is a fact that nutrition is a crucial factor, both in general health and in this important stage of planning a baby. However, other circumstances in your body can directly impact fertility, and it is at this point when you should seek for the help of specialists in Reproductive Biology.

These experts have the knowledge and experience to help you find the causes that have prevented you from having your baby, and they will also give you the best options to make this dream come true.

If you have been trying to have a baby for more than a year and have not succeeded, do not hesitate and seek out for help with our specialists at Ingenes. We have a success rate of up to 96%, the highest in Latin America which places us as leaders in Assisted Reproduction Treatments, thanks to our 18 years of experience and more than 50 thousand accomplished births.

With Ingenes, it is possible!

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