
9 de January, 2024

The Vital Impact of Folic Acid on Reproductive Health and Pregnancy

International Folic Acid Awareness Week is more than an annual event; is a global movement aimed at educating and raising awareness about the importance of this vitamin in reproductive health. Folic acid, a synthetic form of folate, is an essential B vitamin that plays a fundamental role in the prevention of congenital malformations and the proper development of the fetus. It is especially crucial for women who are planning a pregnancy or are already pregnant.


Folic Acid: Definition and Relevance

Folic acid, scientifically known as vitamin B9, is an essential component for numerous bodily functions, including DNA replication, cell division, and the formation of red blood cells. Its role is very important in the early stages of fetal development, particularly in the formation of the neural tube, which later becomes the baby's brain and spinal cord.

Lack of folic acid during the first weeks of pregnancy, often before a woman knows she is pregnant, can lead to neural tube defects. These defects include serious conditions such as spina bifida, where the baby's spine does not form correctly, and anencephaly, a devastating condition in which an incomplete or absent brain develops.

Consumption Recommendations for Reproductive Health

Because of its importance, health experts recommend that women of childbearing age consume at least 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid daily. This recommendation increases to 600 mcg daily during pregnancy. Although folic acid is found naturally in foods such as leafy green vegetables, citrus fruits, and beans, it is often difficult to obtain the necessary amount from diet alone. Therefore, folic acid supplements are an effective and simple way to ensure adequate intake.

Folic Acid and Male Fertility

In addition to its role in female reproductive health, folic acid is also important for male fertility. Studies have shown that adequate folic acid intake can improve sperm quality, thus increasing the chances of conceiving.

Tips for Effective Supplementation in Practice

  • Start folic acid supplementation before trying to conceive, ideally three months before.
  • Maintain a consistent intake of folic acid throughout your pregnancy.
  • Combine supplementation with a diet rich in natural folates to maximize benefits.

Ingenes' Commitment to Folic Acid Education

At Ingenes, we recognize the importance of folic acid in reproductive health. During our consultations, we emphasize the need for proper nutrition and supplementation to prepare women for a healthy pregnancy. Additionally, we provide detailed information on how folic acid deficiency can affect fetal development and offer personalized guidelines for supplementation.

Debunking Myths and Promoting Awareness

It is vital to dispel the myth that folic acid is only necessary during pregnancy. Its consumption before conception is equally crucial. It is also important to educate about the fact that men can also benefit from folic acid supplementation to improve their fertility.

Your Path Toward a Family Future Starts Here

If you are considering pregnancy or have questions about folic acid supplementation, Ingenes is here to help. With our team of specialists, you can be sure to receive the best guidance and support every step of the way toward fulfilling your desire to start a family.

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Our mission is to help you make an informed decision about your reproductive health, we'll create a fully personalized treatment for you, and make your dream come true.
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