
22 de April, 2023

What does Maternal-Fetal Medicine do?

Maternal-Fetal Medicine is a medical specialty that focuses on the healthcare of both the mother and the fetus during pregnancy. This branch of medicine aims to prevent and treat problems that may arise during pregnancy and childbirth, ensuring the well-being of the mother and baby.

Maternal-Fetal Medicine is applied in both low-risk and high-risk pregnancy situations that require specialized care. It is a multidisciplinary discipline that involves obstetricians, neonatologists, geneticists, and radiologists, among other specialists. It utilizes a wide range of techniques and technologies, including ultrasounds, genetic studies, and fetal monitoring tests to evaluate and manage maternal and fetal health.

It is important to highlight that Maternal-Fetal Medicine has significantly evolved in recent decades, thanks to the development of new technologies and treatments. These advances have helped to reduce complications during pregnancy and improve the quality of life for mothers and their babies.

Why is pregnancy monitoring important?

A maternal-fetal medicine specialist is an obstetrician-gynecologist with a sub-specialization of two to three years in Maternal-Fetal Medicine, specifically trained to diagnose conditions such as Down syndrome, placental problems, fetal growth restriction, among others.

In addition, they can detect and treat pregnancy-associated diseases such as preeclampsia (one of the complications with the highest mortality rates during pregnancy in our country) and gestational diabetes.

The timely diagnosis of these conditions allows for actions to be taken that result in better care and outcomes for patients and their babies.

Regular check-ups help you and your doctor monitor the progress of your pregnancy and are essential for detecting any health problems before they become serious.

Are pregnancies achieved through Assisted Reproductive Technologies riskier?

Pregnancy after infertility not only brings the usual concerns of a natural pregnancy but also the physical, economic, and emotional resources invested in achieving it may increase fear that something could go wrong.

It is important to know that undergoing Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) does not necessarily affect the normal development of pregnancy. The factors that make a pregnancy high-risk do not depend on how it was achieved, but rather on:

  • The age of the mother
  • The genetics of the parents and hence the fetus
  • The habits of the parents

Whether you get pregnant naturally or through fertility treatment, prenatal care is essential. That's why at Ingenes, we have a Maternal-Fetal Medicine unit consisting of specialists in high-risk pregnancies. Additionally, we have innovative methods and cutting-edge technology to increase the chances of your pregnancy reaching full term.

How often do I need to visit the doctor during my pregnancy?

The first three months are crucial for the development of the pregnancy, so we recommend that you schedule an appointment with our specialists as soon as you find out you are pregnant.

During your pregnancy, you will need to see your doctor regularly:

  • Once a month during the first six months of pregnancy
  • Every two weeks during months seven and eight
  • Weekly in the ninth month of pregnancy

If you are over 35 years old, have had previous miscarriages, or have a high-risk pregnancy, your doctor will likely want to see you more often.


What tests or procedures are done during pregnancy?

Traditionally, prenatal visits include ultrasounds, blood and urine tests, or other exams that allow the doctor to evaluate your condition and that of the fetus so that both can face pregnancy and childbirth in the best possible conditions.

Some of the non-invasive studies provided by our Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit are:

  • Basic and structural ultrasound
  • Fetal echocardiography
  • Fetal growth evaluation
  • Follow-up ultrasound for pathologies
  • Cardiotocographic recording

Additionally, we have state-of-the-art techniques such as:

  • Amniocentesis
  • Amnioinfusión
  • Cordocentesis

The key to having a healthy baby is to take care of your own health. We have a unit called Ingenes Emotional Support and we are ready to answer your questions or concerns about pregnancy, childbirth, and newborn care.

Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit is here for you

If you have gone through Assisted Reproduction Treatment, there is no difference from a spontaneous pregnancy. However, in both cases, prenatal care is crucial and this is achieved through Maternal-Fetal Medicine.

At Ingenes, we have a Maternal-Fetal Medicine Unit staffed by specialists in high-risk pregnancies. We also have innovative methods and cutting-edge technology to increase the chances of successfully carrying your pregnancy to term.

Discover the best treatment for you at Ingenes

Our mission is to help you make an informed decision about your reproductive health, we'll create a fully personalized treatment for you, and make your dream come true.
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