
8 de February, 2024

What is low ovarian reserve?

Low ovarian reserve is a condition that significantly affects a woman's reproductive capacity, defined by a reduced number of eggs in the ovaries, as well as a decreased quality of these same eggs. Although this situation is more frequently observed in women over 35 years of age, genetic and environmental factors and certain medical conditions can cause younger women also to face this challenge.

Importance of ovarian reserve

Ovarian reserve is one of the fundamental factors to evaluate female fertility. An optimal ovarian reserve not only implies a greater number of eggs available for conception but is also indicative of better quality. In contrast, low ovarian reserve can pose considerable challenges in achieving pregnancy, either naturally or through reproductive assist techniques such as in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Causes of low ovarian reserve

Several conditions can contribute to low ovarian reserve, including:

  • Advanced age: Age is the most determining factor. The quantity and quality of eggs naturally decrease over time, especially after age 35.
  • Genetic factors: Some women are born with fewer eggs than normal or experience early menopause due to hereditary factors.
  • Medical treatments: Chemotherapy and radiation therapy can damage the ovaries and reduce ovarian reserve.
  • Ovarian surgeries: Surgical interventions on the ovaries can reduce the amount of functional ovarian tissue.
  • Autoimmune diseases and other medical conditions.

Diagnosis of low ovarian reserve

The diagnosis of low ovarian reserve is made through several methods:

  • Blood hormone tests: Measurements of FSH, estradiol, and anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) can indicate ovarian health.
  • Transvaginal ultrasound: It allows counting of the antral follicles, which visually represent the ovarian reserve.

Impact on fertility and treatment options

Despite the challenges of low ovarian reserve, there are several treatment options available to help women achieve pregnancy. These options may include:

  • In Vitro Fertilization (IVF): This technique can be more effective for women with low ovarian reserve since it allows the best quality eggs to be selected.
  • Using donated eggs: For women who cannot use their eggs, donated eggs offer another chance at pregnancy.
  • Supplements and lifestyle changes: Some studies suggest that certain supplements and lifestyle changes can improve egg quality.

Emotional support and future considerations

Coping with low ovarian reserve can be emotionally challenging. It is important to seek emotional support through counseling or support groups. Education and guidance from a fertility specialist are also key to navigating this path.

In conclusion, although low ovarian reserve can represent an obstacle on the path to conception, early diagnosis and appropriate treatment can significantly increase the chances of successful pregnancy. Women who wish to conceive must consult with a fertility specialist to evaluate their ovarian reserve and explore the most appropriate treatment options for their particular situation.

Low ovarian reserve is a condition with a significant impact on fertility, but there are hope and options available. With the right advice and appropriate treatments, many women with low ovarian reserve can fulfill their dream of becoming mothers.

If you are facing fertility challenges and are concerned about your ovarian reserve, we invite you to contact us. Our team of specialists is ready to offer you the guidance, support, and treatment options you need to move towards your goal of starting a family.

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