Uterine synechiae are adhesions or scar tissue that form within the uterine cavity as a result of trauma secondary to uterine surgery such as myomectomy or botched curettage.
Synechiae are usually the result of uterine trauma which can be caused by:
• Infections • Prolonged use of intrauterine devices (IUDs) • Post-abortion or post-partum curettages • Cesarean sections where infectious problems occurred • Surgeries to remove fibroids or polyps
Based on the patient's medical history, procedures to diagnose uterine synechiae may include:
• Transvaginal ultrasound or Gynecological vaginal ultrasound. • Hysteroscopy.
Can I have a baby if I have uterine synechiae?
Uterine synechiae rarely affect fertility, however, it's advisable for women with moderate cases to consider treatments such as In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), especially if they are over 35 years old.
In most cases, they should undergo minor surgery known as hysteroscopy to remove uterine synechiae before proceeding with IVF treatment.
Our Multicycle Programs are the best option to fulfill your dream with up to 4 In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) attempts to give you the maximum peace of mind and security that you will have your baby at home.