
14 de May, 2023

Medical Tourism in Mexico: 2nd place worldwide

Why is Mexico an attractive destination for medical tourism?

Medical tourism is a growing industry worldwide, and Mexico is no exception. In fact, Mexico is the second destination for medical tourism worldwide, after Thailand, and each year receives thousands of international patients who seek high-quality medical care at more affordable prices than in their home countries.

Mexico offers a wide range of health services, from cosmetic surgery and dentistry to specialized treatments in areas such as oncology, cardiology, and fertility.

In addition, the country has a large number of private hospitals and clinics that offer quality services at competitive prices.

Mexico is the second destination for medical tourism worldwide

According to an article published by Bancomext, Mexico is the second destination for medical tourism worldwide, and the industry is expected to continue growing in the coming years.

In 2019, Mexico received more than 1.4 million international patients, generating revenues of more than $6.3 billion.

International patients who visit Mexico seeking medical care come mainly from the United States, Canada, and Latin American countries, but there is also a growing number of patients from Europe and Asia.

One of the factors that make Mexico an attractive destination for medical tourism is the cost of treatments. Generally, medical treatments in Mexico cost between 30% and 70% less than in the United States or Canada, so patients can save a significant amount of money by seeking medical care in Mexico.

Ingenes Institute branches in Mexico and the United States

Factors that make Mexico an attractive destination for medical tourism

In addition to the cost of treatments, there are several factors that make Mexico an attractive destination for medical tourism. One of them is the quality of health services.

Many private hospitals and clinics in Mexico have international certifications and are equipped with state-of-the-art technology, ensuring that patients receive high-quality medical care.

Another important factor is Mexico's geographic location. The country is located in a convenient time zone for patients from the United States and Canada, meaning they can travel to Mexico and return home on the same day or on a long weekend. 

Additionally, Mexico has a wide range of tourism offerings, meaning patients can combine their medical treatment with a vacation in a renowned tourist destination.

Finally, another factor that makes Mexico an attractive destination for medical tourism is the warmth and hospitality of its people. International patients who visit Mexico feel welcome and valued, and many of them return year after year for medical care and to enjoy the country's tourist attractions.

In conclusion, Mexico is an attractive and constantly growing destination for medical tourism. With a wide range of high-quality health services, competitive prices, and unparalleled attention, Mexico is a top choice for patients seeking medical care.

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