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Assisted Hatching

This technique increases the chances of embryo implantation, one of the most important steps in Assisted Reproduction.

What is Assisted Hatching?

Assisted Hatching is a complementary laboratory technique that can be performed on embryos in culture during In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatment.

Assisted Hatching is ideal for cases where the embryo fails to implant on its own.

This test is performed on embryos by making a small hole in the zona pellucida of the embryo, in the embryo's shell, with the aim of facilitating the exit of the expanded blastocyst in a phenomenon known as hatching. Hatching aims to improve implantation rates.

Who is Assisted Hatching ideal for?

This laboratory technique is indicated for the following cases:
Previous implantation failures.
Patients over 37 years of age.
Embryos with thickened, darkened zona pellucida or other abnormalities.
Frozen embryos, because the zona pellucida tends to "harden".
Embryos with slow development or division and/or very fragmented.

The importance of Assisted Hatching

Assisted Hatching is an important step towards fulfilling your dream of becoming a mom, and it is included in our Star at Home Programs.
Learn more about our Multicycle Programs
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