
22 de April, 2022

"I spent 12 years in fertility clinics, fought, and here is my baby"

There are thousands of women going through all kinds of treatments at different fertility clinics in Mexico and, unfortunately, many of them fail. That was the case for Evelyn, whose struggle to have her baby dragged on for 12 years.

She tells you her story, about the frustration and exhaustion she faced after a decade of negative tests, and how in her first cycle of In Vitro Fertilization, she became a mother.

"I waited more than a decade for him, but my son is the best gift life could give me"

"Can you imagine what it's like to spend 12 years trying to become a mother? I went through that, 4 clinics and all kinds of treatments, from timed intercourse to IVF with no results, it was just exhausting.

I was almost 40 years old when I finally made it; but, hey, it really felt like an eternity. Now that I think about it, I think the key to not giving up was to think about what was the reason for doing this, to always keep in mind why my why.

And the answer was simple, I wanted to become a mum, to feel that unique love, that bond, and I would do anything to get it.

Evelyn at her baby shower - Ingenes mom

The fertility clinics I visited, prior to the Institute, were an ordeal, really. I went through all kinds of diagnoses, that I had endometriosis, that I didn't, that I had a fibroid and then a polycystic ovary; and along with that, so many treatments, medicines, very uncomfortable, even painful examinations.

You go through all that and nothing works, you even feel as if you are useless. The drugs they gave me only made me feel even worse, and you don't know about this, you're not prepared, you go to the clinic and you give yourself up, you trust, you go with your heart in your hand, and then nothing. After going through so many failed attempts, you break down.  

I was about to throw in the towel

At that time we had decided that we weren't going to do anything, but as fate would have it, we met the Institute; and look, at the end, there is that little tickle, because when you really want to be a mother, that idea, that love invades you and never goes away.

My husband and I discussed it, I wanted to do everything we could, to exhaust all possibilities and not to stay with the would-have-been. After much discussion we decided to try one more time, one last time.

"A new chance", a new IVF treatment

Evelyn and her husband - Ingenes Family

Arriving for our consultation, seriously, we felt like we already knew everyone. From the reception, to the nurse who took the sample and my doctor who took care of us, everyone was very friendly; but what I liked the most was their honesty.

I begged them to be honest, to tell us the truth, no matter what the diagnosis was, at all times.

We brought all our tests from before; but, they said they had to do tests anyway to confirm anything, and the diagnosis they gave us was that I had polycystic ovary.

We discussed our treatment options and were told that, ideally, we would do a treatment with several cycles of In Vitro Fertilization. The medication part, again, was the hardest part.

The whole hormonal process never felt so good to me; but fortunately I was never alone, my husband and my family were always with me, always there for me.

Evelyn and her baby - Ingenes Family

Before this new IVF I changed my chip, I needed to do absolutely everything, I focused much more on myself and tried to be more optimistic, although of course it was difficult.

Things happened, I went through the stimulation, then the egg retrieval, the transfer... and we did it on our first attempt! After 12 years of longing and failures, of many tears, we had finally achieved it!

My pregnancy was the most beautiful, very calm, I was even surprised because I didn't vomit at all, I enjoyed my belly so much.

The day of his birth my world came to a standstill, I had an accumulation of emotions, I didn't know whether to laugh, cry, scream or keep quiet while I saw my baby in my arms, it is an indescribable experience, I swear, it is something that is like nothing else.


I want to take this opportunity to tell all the women reading this that, this is not an easy road, for some women like us this will not be an easy road, but don't give up! Please fight, fight for your dream until the end and trust these doctors, eventually everything will work out, and when that time comes, you will feel all the joy of becoming a mother. 

Have you tried a treatment in a fertility clinic, but have not been able to have your baby?

There are different fertility clinics in Mexico that offer all types of Assisted Reproduction programs, and it is important that, before choosing any of them, you are completely sure that they will provide you with a treatment that is personalized to your case and your complete reproductive health history.

Before you commit all your physical, mental and financial effort to any treatment at the clinic of your choice, ask about their success rates for babies born and consider whether your program includes the following:

  • Complete diagnosis of your reproductive health.
  • Different treatment options and multiple cycles.
  • Follow-up of fertility specialists from different fields: reproductive biology medicine (doctors with subspecialty), embryology (embryo biologists), andrology (sperm biologists), as well as psychotherapists and specialized nurses, among others.
  • IVF laboratory certified by REDLARA and other international organizations.
  • Culture and monitoring of your embryos.
  • Medical consultations.
  • Oestradiol tests.
  • Assisted hatching (procedure to improve the implantation of your embryos).
  • Pregnancy test per cycle.
  • Psycho-emotional support.

In case you have been to any fertility clinic and still haven't managed to become a mother, or even if you are just starting on this path, you can approach us and hear about the personalised treatment options we can offer you.

Tell us your story and what your baby search has been like here. Then, evaluate the different options you have to become a mother and choose the one that best suits your circumstances.

Being a mom is a dream that can be realized by almost any woman who decides to become one - don't give up!

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Our mission is to help you make an informed decision about your reproductive health, we'll create a fully personalized treatment for you, and make your dream come true.
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