
19 de May, 2023

“I Would Experience My Pregnancy Again: I Did Everything to Bring Her Here”

"Life puts you through very tough challenges, but you can overcome anything in the end. We always wanted a pregnancy, but in the first years, we focused on our life as a couple, and later we thought about starting a family.

We noticed there was a problem around eight years of being married. We searched for information and went to two or three fertility centers. I underwent a hysterosalpingogram, and it revealed blocked fallopian tubes.

We turned to the institute, and they explained the whole process to us. We began our treatments and had a pregnancy, but unfortunately, we lost it. That put us to the test in every sense.


Two years later, we made a second attempt, but it didn't succeed. During that time, I also faced complicated family situations. My mind and effort were elsewhere, which also had a significant influence.

Then, a year later, we tried again, but it didn't work out either. On the fourth attempt, towards the end of last year, my doctor gave me the news. I thought we hadn't succeeded. I couldn't believe it... She told me it was positive!

A week before that, I felt dizziness, the most marvelous feeling I've ever experienced. I felt tired and thought, 'I'm pregnant!' I knew it. I knew I was.

During the pregnancy, I took great care of myself, and it was a very healthy one. My daughter behaved very well. The day she was born was both beautiful and stressful.

Ingenes Family at birth

They took me to the recovery room, and they brought her down around 6 in the evening. I remember it perfectly, everything: her warmth, her tiny hands holding onto me... and my husband was there too. I remember it dimly due to the anesthesia, but it was a wonderful moment.

After all that, after 8 years. Juli is such a loved child. What would I say to other women going through this? About the sadness, the frustration... When all of that passes, the bad times pass.

Do not lose faith, never lose hope, never! I achieved it on the fourth attempt, and here is my daughter, and that is priceless. It was worth it, everything we went through, the sleepless nights... You see it all rewarding.

I would live through my pregnancy again because I did everything for her to be here. Life puts you through very tough tests, but you can overcome them in the end. What would I say to my daughter? What can I say?... That I love her."

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