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1 de December, 2022

Making dreams come through IVF "It took us 3 years to become parents"

According to the World Health Organization’s data, around 48 million couples and 186 million people worldwide deal with conditions that affect fertility. 

This means that infertility is much more common than we could imagine. 

Women's journey in search of motherhood is not always easy. Along the way, there are going to be a lot of doubts, insecurities, and fears. However, with expert guidance and the right care, everything is possible.  

Itzel shares her story with us,  after 3 years of trying in different places and with different doctors, she finally arrived at Ingenes and achieved her dream through the multicycle program.

“We even recurred to a renowned 'healer'”

It took us 3 years to become parents. We started by going to a gynecologist who specialized in Assisted Reproduction, but he told us that we were fine and that we should just keep trying. 

We then tried with another specialist, he had me go through ovarian stimulation before carrying out artificial insemination, but nothing happened.

We even gave a renowned “healer” a chance, but it didn’t work either."

“We decided to try the Multicycle Program

We found out about the Institute through advertisements on the Internet, and we decided to go. We were so excited about starting our  Initial Program, we placed our hopes and trust in the Institute since our first consultation. 

In the beginning, they told us that we had a high probability of achieving it through In Vitro Fertilization, so we decided to try the Multicycle Program

The truth is, when we started I was very nervous, and scared, of course, I was excited, but anxiety made me want all of this to be over and fast-forward to find out whether it would work in the end. 

My husband, my mom, my husband's family, and my closest friends were always with me. My doctor, Ginna was very kind, clear, and honest about what would or wouldn’t work for me.

“I thought about giving up”

Unfortunately, the first cycle was unsuccessful and at that point, I thought about giving up, but being supported by the right people helped me pull through and keep going

Our emotions will have a huge influence on us, and it is important to have someone by your side to help you stay calm and have faith. 

When we did our second IVF the doctor called, she told me it worked and I burst into tears from excitement! 

My husband and I had an agreement about when they finally gave us the positive results I would greet my husband with a box of donuts, and when he got home he just looked at the box, cried, and hugged me.

“Their arrival was unexpected”

My pregnancy was stressful because I had blood pressure issues and it was high-risk since they were twins

We didn’t expect them to arrive on the day they were born. We went to the emergency room because of a high blood pressure crisis and suddenly they told me I was in labor. That happened so fast! 

I heard the first cry and it was a beautiful girl, so small... but I could only see her for a few moments before they took her away because of the pandemic. I immediately heard the second cry and it was a beautiful child. My heart was so calm and happy to see them there, hearing all the measures the doctors were taking. Everything was like the best dream ever!

“Their dad and I picked the names”

Their names are Inés and Elías, their dad and I picked those names together.  
She’s got the cutest little chubby cheeks, and wavy hair, she’s outgoing, bold, smiley, and very curious. She likes to be spoiled by her dad and me all the time. The best thing about her is her laughter, she’s so cheerful! 


He is a daring child, it seems like he isn’t afraid of anything. He’s very affectionate, and has beautiful curly hair, he gives the most heart-melting hugs.


Inés likes to play with her slide and loves fruit and vegetables. She doesn't like it when water gets on her face when she takes showers. 

 Elías loves to play with balls and his swing. He eats a lot and he’s open to trying all kinds of different foods. One of his biggest pet peeves is getting his nose blown and both of them love to dance.

“I harbored so much love for those two little ones”

Now that I am a mom, I realize that I am braver and stronger than I imagined, that I can be organized when I set my mind to it, and that I was harboring a lot of love for those two little ones. 

Everything in my life took a 180° turn, now I am super strict with my routines, I didn't even have one before. 90% of my schedule revolves around my babies and now everything is more fun. 

I am fortunate to be able to spend time with them, it is always an adventure.

“Every step of the journey was worth it”

Don't give up, sometimes the most beautiful things in life are those which take the longest time or the biggest effort, and even if it sounds cliché, every step of the journey was worth it. 

Now that I see those little eyes and hear their waves of laughter at home, nothing else matters. And if I had to go back and do everything again, I would, as long as I can see those little kids running around. 

I love them madly, and I will tell my babies to never give up to fight for what they want. Because one day it finally came true and was all worth it. They are the biggest gift that life has given me. 

It's okay to be afraid, it's okay to be scared, tired, and angry, but what's coming is the most beautiful thing you'll experience in your life.”

If you, like Itzel, are looking to have a baby, you may be interested in the Multicycle Program, which has a 96% success rate and has brought more than 50,000 babies into the lives of aspiring parents in the United States and Mexico. 

We have an integral program that in addition to the medical and gynecological appointments, also offers emotional support

Professional guidance, proper care, and attention in high-risk pregnancy, as well as in an in vitro fertilization treatment, are essential to the healthy development of the babies and the new mother.  

That is why at Institute Ingenes, we have 17 years of experience and an extensive team of experts trained to make your dream of being a mother come true.  

Discover the best treatment for you at Ingenes

Our mission is to help you make an informed decision about your reproductive health, we'll create a fully personalized treatment for you, and make your dream come true.
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