
18 de May, 2022

"Low ovarian reserve and a positive IVF treatment on my 3rd attempt"

Low ovarian reserve and positive IVF on her third attempt, this is the case of Claudia, who managed to become a mother to her little Guillermo after going through different fertility clinics and failed Assisted Reproduction treatments.

She tells you about her difficulties, the prejudice and ignorance she faced in deciding to have a baby when she was over 35, how she managed to complete 37 weeks of pregnancy and have a perfectly healthy baby, even with a diagnosis of COVID-19 shortly after her positive beta.

The doctor prescribed the best medicine to make my dream come true

"I spent a long time looking for a baby, going to different doctors, gynaecologists, specialists and fertility clinics. There we were told that I could only have a maximum of 60% chance of getting pregnant, because my ovarian follicles did not have enough capacity, I had a low ovarian reserve, and we were even told that we had the option of adopting.

I work in a childcare centre, I have always worked with little ones and I love being surrounded by children, you don't know how much I wanted to have one, with all my heart I wanted to become a mum.

Just two years ago I met my husband, we talked about it and he also wanted to start a family, as much as I did! He gave me a lot of hope to find a way to make it happen, I looked everywhere, I researched on the internet, with people I knew, and that's how we found the Institute.

We made our appointment, and when we arrived, the doctor who saw us said that it was possible to become parents, that with the right Assisted Reproduction treatment, the possibilities were much greater than what we had been told before, and I almost cried with emotion.

They told us about the best option for low ovarian reserve and positive IVF, with a treatment of several IVF cycles, they said that this alternative was the most viable for us, also considering our age and medical history .

Low ovarian reserve and positive IVF: multi-cycle treatment was the best option

We decided to go for the 3-cycle, money-back treatment, we wanted to be as safe as we could be, to have that guarantee if in the end we couldn't make it. Then we spent some time preparing before the transfer: medicines, injections, having the discipline to do everything in a timely manner.

The first two attempts we made didn't work, and that was not easy, I have to tell you. Also, while we were in the middle of them, with all the pressure that you know is involved, there were some people who didn't add anything, who were reckless and discouraged us.

They told us that we were too old, that we were defying God's will..., pure prejudice and ignorance, I see it now; but at that moment it hurts so much and you don't even know what to say.

Our family always supported us, and that is priceless, I thank them infinitely. In addition, we also had our doctors, our nurse and the team here who didn't let us down either, and every time we went to the doctor's office they encouraged us. My doctor was even Memo's accomplice, and he prescribed me the best medicine to make it happen.

He helped my husband propose to me, right in the middle of the consultation! They agreed beforehand, and when I arrived at the consultation he told me that he had to give me a very special medicine, something he could never take away from me, the most important medicine in the whole treatment. I was so surprised, even a little afraid, and suddenly he took the ring out of his dressing gown!

It was them and our family, my husband and all of that that kept me going, that kept me going and kept my spirits up and my attitude up, despite how difficult the treatment became at times, especially when we saw that hateful negative.

My Memo was a fundamental pillar, my rock, my support to go through each IVF cycle and the bad news, he helped me at every moment, he was always by my side and I have no way to thank him for that.

The best news of our lives came on my 3rd IVF.

When we got to the 3rd new cycle of In Vitro Fertilization we were sure that this time it was going to happen. I don't know why, but I felt it, we had already been through so much.... And it happened! The day we went for our Beta result, I got my positive!

It was a great joy, but the next day I had some bad news that I was not expecting at all, I was diagnosed with COVID-19.

With low ovarian reserve and positive IVF, we had finally made it and suddenly this happened, it was a hard process when I received the news, but my doctors helped me to make sure that everything went well, so that I could take my prenatal control and everything went without complications in my pregnancy.

Guillermo Tadeo's christening - Ingenes Family

My baby was born perfectly at 37 weeks gestation, he was a little early because he wanted to be born, I remember well that he was very anxious in the last days before he saw the world, and so was I, to be honest.

Jesús Guillermo, that's his name and he is all our hopes, he is a strong and strong-willed boy, with a lot of spirit all the time, I even feel that they have to put something extra in them to make them come out so lively.

You have to anchor yourself to the illusion of having your child, I could say that this is fundamental to achieve it, hold on, and always believe that it is possible, even in spite of what many people may tell you, you have to take it off somehow and not stop thinking about your baby.

No matter what people say, don't doubt it, don't doubt yourself and everything you can do, because you can, I assure you, if I could do it, so can you, everyone! Trust with your eyes closed in your doctors, in your fertility specialists, they will do their best, you let them help you".

Do you have a low ovarian reserve and are also looking for a baby?

From the age of 35 onwards, a woman's ovarian reserve decreases considerably, and although there are other causes of infertility that could be generating it, age is a determining factor. However, having a low ovarian reserve is not an impediment for you to have your baby.

We know that you may have heard phrases like: "Do you want to have a child at your age?", "You are already too old", "You are going to be his grandmother", but we want to tell you that these phrases are based on prejudices and not on reality; nowadays there are multiple alternatives to become a mother under your terms and when you decide it, with the help of Assisted Reproduction.

At Ingenes, we have an Initial program for all women who are completely sure that they want to live their motherhood and are willing to do everything to achieve it. An assessment that focuses on identifying what is getting in the way of your dream; and outlining a personalised treatment plan for you to have your baby.

Come to us and tell us about your journey to becoming a mother, we have successfully dealt with the largest number of cases in Latin America, even the most complex ones, and that is why we are confident that we can help you.

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Our mission is to help you make an informed decision about your reproductive health, we'll create a fully personalized treatment for you, and make your dream come true.
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