
12 de August, 2022

Your Star at Home: More Opportunities to Have Your Baby

When there are obstacles to have a baby, the road is often difficult, and sometimes very long. Finding a solution could imply an infinite search, if all the options and alternatives offered by Assisted Reproduction are not considered, making a scenario full of physical, emotional and economic exhaustion for the women who go through it.

In Vitro Fertilization is an Assisted Reproduction treatment considered high complexity due to the series of procedures used to improve fertility, where the union of the egg and sperm is obtained in a laboratory, which until now has the highest success rates compared to other treatments, meaning, it is the most effective way to have a baby according to Assisted Reproduction technologies.

Mom with baby

It is true that some dreams have a long road ahead, but becoming a mom does not imply going through a hard road, and that is the main reason why we design programs that increase the chances of having a baby, reducing physical, emotional and economic exhaustion in women.

We take IVF to the next level

As the leading Institute of Fertility and Genetics in Latin America, we have perfected the In Vitro Fertilization technique throughout Your Star at Home multicycle programs, which offer 1 to 4 attempts to have a baby and guarantee up to a 96% chance of success.

These programs are designed to prevent the road you walk to reach your baby from being complicated. In addition to making you feel more confidence and less fear of achieving it in one of the attempts.

Our Your Star at Home multicycle programs take In Vitro Fertilization to the next level, guaranteeing a better probability percentage, thus becoming a unique alternative.

Who can take multicycle programs?

These programs are ideal for couples and women who have been unable to have a baby, for example:

  • Ovulation problems
  • Blocked Fallopian tubes
  • Endometriosis
  • Polycystic ovary
  • Low quality and quantity of sperm (Partner)
  • Advanced maternal age

It can also be ideal for those who want to improve their chances of conceiving, and even for those who have had previous unsuccessful treatments.

Stars come down from the sky

Thanks to the trust of our patients, today we are leaders in Latin America, for having the highest rate of success cases, with more than 50,000 babies born. We have 10 branches in Mexico fully equipped and with great experts in the field of Human Reproduction, to provide the best care, and we already have opened branches in the United States, in San Diego and McAllen and soon in different cities, to continue bringing down stars from the sky.

Your Star at Home in general terms

In addition to the great benefit in the success rate offered by our Your Star at Home programs, they include different elements to make your treatment the best experience to fulfill your dream:

  • Full monitoring by an expert of Human Reproduction
  • Use of semen and egg bank
  • 1 year of embryo freezing
  • Medical consultations, ultrasounds, pregnancy tests and necessary medical tests
  • Semen Capacitation (Sperm Enhancement Technique)
  • Preparation and selection of embryos
  • Assisted Hatching
  • The best treatment

Once you know our multicycle programs, you will have no doubt we are committed to bringing stars into your home to fill it with light. Are you interested in knowing them?

More chances to have your baby

Here you will find the details of the Your Star at Home programs, to start the road towards your baby.

Come to Ingenes and let us help you achieve it.

Discover the best treatment for you at Ingenes

Our mission is to help you make an informed decision about your reproductive health, we'll create a fully personalized treatment for you, and make your dream come true.
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