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19 de May, 2024

Essential Tips Before Starting Your Fertility Treatment

Understanding when to seek professional help is crucial. The time factor plays an important role in the success of fertility treatments.

The world of assisted reproduction offers various options and technologies. The effectiveness of these treatments lies in finding the correct diagnosis and the most appropriate treatment for your particular situation.

When selecting an assisted reproduction clinic, consider several critical aspects. This includes the clinic's success rates in achieving pregnancies, the experience and qualifications of its medical team, the quality of its facilities, and its reputation both nationally and internationally. Look for a clinic that provides you with quality care, where you feel listened to and supported, and where information about your fertility treatment is given to you in a transparent and understandable way.

Many suffer from infertility

In Mexico, one in six couples has infertility problems and, during the struggle to achieve pregnancy, it is normal to experience feelings such as frustration, anger, depression, anxiety or even relationship problems.

However, once you know your options, you will discover that the fertility treatments available today increase your hopes of having a successful pregnancy like never before. In addition to specialized medical advice, at Ingenes we have an emotional support unit that will help you be in the best condition to face assisted reproduction treatment and maximize the probability of achieving pregnancy.

Recognize when you should seek help.

If you and your partner have tried to have a baby during the last 12 months without success, or have suffered miscarriages, it is time to consult an infertility specialist. The World Health Organization (WHO) speaks of infertility when a woman under 35 years of age has had unprotected sexual relations for 12 months without achieving pregnancy, a period that is shortened to 6 months in women over 35 years of age.

Remember that you can be infertile even if you already have children. According to statistics compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 11 percent of couples who have conceived in the past suffer from infertility.

The woman's age is key to the success of the treatment

After a woman reaches age 35, her chances of becoming pregnant with her own eggs decrease considerably. The natural pregnancy rate for women under 30 years of age is 20 to 30 percent per month, however, by age 40, the probability of conceiving with one's own eggs decreases to 5 percent and the risk of spontaneous abortions and genetic alterations as Down Syndrome increases.

Even with the most advanced treatments, it is rare for a woman over 42 years of age to become pregnant. However, women who use donated eggs can have children after the age of 50. If you have waited longer than necessary to seek help, at Ingenes we are fully qualified to give you a timely diagnosis and design the appropriate treatment for your case.

Where to find help

Most couples (about 75 percent) start by visiting a general gynecologist. This can be a good first step, however, since assisted reproduction clinics are specifically designed to solve fertility problems, more and more obstetricians-gynecologists recommend going to them from the first suspicion of infertility in the couple. If you decide to visit a fertility clinic like Ingenes, you will be seen by a reproductive biologist, that is, an obstetrician-gynecologist with one or several subspecialties in reproductive endocrinology, who is an expert in solving fertility problems and will provide you with more complete advice for your problem.

Infertility, is a problem for men and women

For years it was believed that women were responsible for infertility, but today we know that it affects men and women equally, so joint evaluation of the couple is essential to obtain an adequate diagnosis. Male infertility can be related to a large number of causes, however, most cases are due to problems with sperm concentration, mobility, and morphology, which can be evaluated through a simple spirogram or semen analysis.

Finding the right treatment

There is a wide range of treatments for couples experiencing fertility problems. These range from drugs such as clomiphene citrate to reproductive techniques that involve the use of high technology. Getting a clear diagnosis and fully understanding your options for conceiving is essential before starting fertility treatment. You and your fertility doctor should design a treatment plan that effectively resolves your specific case.

What you should take into account before choosing your fertility clinic

When choosing an assisted reproduction center you must take into account, among other things:

  • Your pregnancy success rates
  • The experience of its specialists
  • Its national and international recognition
  • The attention of the medical team and the trust they generate in you
  • It has first-class equipment and facilities
  • You are provided with clear information at all times about your fertility treatment, as well as its costs.

Ingenes is recognized by international institutions such as the Illinois Fertility Center and the Latin American Network for Assisted Reproduction, has pregnancy success rates higher than the average of fertility clinics in the United States, and its specialists stay up to date with the latest developments. rapid medical and technological advances in the field of fertility. We will provide you with a clear diagnosis from your first consultation, as well as effective treatment options.

How to contribute to the success of the treatment

To increase your chances of getting pregnant, it is recommended that you and your partner make certain lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking, reducing your alcohol and caffeine consumption, improving your diet, and, if necessary, losing weight. weight. Stress can affect fertility in both men and women, and infertility can raise stress levels. However, couples cope better when they are well-informed and have emotional support. That is why Ingenes has an emotional support unit to accompany its patients throughout the process.

Money is not an obstacle

In Mexico, most insurance companies do not cover assisted reproduction treatments, however, at Ingenes we offer you various financing plans to help you realize your dream of having a baby.

Discover the best treatment for you at Ingenes

Our mission is to help you make an informed decision about your reproductive health, we'll create a fully personalized treatment for you, and make your dream come true.
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