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It is usually due to hormonal imbalances and is one of the most common causes of fertility problems, accounting for around 25% of cases of female infertility problems.


It can be due to different disturbances at the level of the hypothalamus, pituitary or ovaries and is usually linked to hormonal imbalances.

Malfunctions in the communication between the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland can affect the hormonal function of the ovaries and lead to disorders such as polycystic ovary syndrome, which is the main cause of anovulation.

Other factors affecting ovulation include:
• Thyroid disorders
• Premature ovarian failure
• Hyperprolactinaemia
• Obesity


• Amenorrhoea or absence of menstruation
• Irregular menstrual periods
• Shorter than normal menstrual periods
• Reduction of premenstrual syndrome
• Infertility
In addition to a pelvic examination and analysis of the patient's medical history, procedures to diagnose anovulation may include:
A blood test to measure the level of progesterone between days 21 and 23 of the menstrual cycle to determine if your ovaries are functioning properly.
A Gynecological vaginal ultrasound, which will allow your doctor to determine if there is an enlargement or presence of cysts on your ovaries, common symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome.

Can I have a baby if I have anovulation?

With the right treatment, anovulation is not an impediment to achieving your dream of becoming a mother. Any assisted reproduction treatment must go hand in hand with hormone therapy with oestrogen and progesterone, in order to prepare the endometrium for embryo implantation through techniques such as In Vitro Fertilization.
Come to our fertility specialists and make your dream of becoming a mother come true.
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