
17 de May, 2023

Ingenes Toluca: Medical excellence bringing babies to their parents in Estado de México

In this article on our blog, we want to share with you the exciting story behind Ingenes Toluca, the branch located in the State of Mexico that opened on May 17, 2021, revolutionizing the field of reproductive medicine in the city.

Since its opening, Ingenes Toluca has brought hope and solutions to couples and individuals who aspire to build a family. Their innovative approach, state-of-the-art technology, and highly trained medical team have enabled numerous people to achieve their dream of becoming parents.

With an unwavering commitment to medical excellence and personalized care, Ingenes Toluca has proven to be an undisputed leader in the field of assisted reproduction. Furthermore, their dedication to research and the development of new techniques has led to significant advancements in the field.

Join us on this journey with Dr. Blanca Vara, Medical Director, as she shares a bit about her achievements and the trajectory of Ingenes Toluca. You will discover how this institution has changed the lives of many people and become a beacon of hope for those wishing to start a family.

Dr. Andrian Sanchez with Ingenes babies

Get to know Ingenes Toluca with Dr. Blanca Vara

"I started as a reproductive doctor, then I was in charge of a group, but it's totally different because, in the end, we had a leader. Toluca, like all projects, had its ups and downs, and I had to learn the administrative side.

Reviewing the location, envisioning the infrastructure, observing the surroundings, seeing the building where we are now, and imagining how it would look with Dr. Camargo. Additionally, being in such a beautiful area like Metepec.

Initially, it was challenging, but we have learned to work here. We seek solutions and resolve issues. For example, during the pandemic, most of the team fell ill. So, coordinating everything and being there to support.

We have adapted very well, and everyone knows what they have to do. We gather once a month to brainstorm and discuss our needs, comparing them with our results.

A few days ago, we had a meeting to discuss all of our experiences, from the most beautiful to the most complex ones. We have integrated very well, and in the end, it has been reflected in our results.

Among my fellow doctors, the three of us continue to work together. In the admissions department, there have been some changes, but the administrative leader and I have had a great synergy. She is my right-hand person, and from the beginning, she keeps things organized, stays attentive, and we have excellent communication.

Regarding the consultants, I have them with me. Some have left due to personal circumstances, but two of them have been with us since the beginning.

We have days where we are overwhelmed, rotating shifts to optimize our work. We have patients from all over, from Toluca, Metepec, San Mateo Atenco, and lately also from Guerrero, Morelos, Atlacomulco, Jilotepec. We hope to grow even more soon.

I remember our first patient who entrusted the process to us vividly. She was a young patient, and I was her doctor. We thought she wouldn't proceed with the treatment, but in the end, we succeeded. We accompanied her throughout the journey, from conception to prenatal care. She stayed with us from the beginning to the end.

She stayed with us, and we welcomed the first baby born at Ingenes Toluca. As the baby grew, she would come back to take photos. One of her friends also became our patient, and gradually, they formed a chain. It made me realize that where there is a will, there is a way. Those of us who were there remembered them perfectly.

We also have patients who initially doubt our ability to help them, but when they see their ultrasound results, they simply say, "Thank you, I won't say anything more."

I remember a patient who said, "You're not God to decide whether we can become parents or not," and I replied, "I'm not God, but there are ways. Technology has advanced, and we can assist you." In the end, he thanked me sincerely.

Just recently, I had a patient who came with her skeptical husband. Throughout the process, he remained doubtful that we could help them conceive. However, after the consultation and seeing their baby on the ultrasound, he never made any more comments. He realized what we had achieved, and we told him, "We've fulfilled our promise; here is your little star."

I want to acknowledge the tremendous effort of my team, which is evident in the results we achieve. I am grateful to each and every one of them for their dedication, and for building and helping families day by day.

I want to thank all of you for contributing to me, from little to much, every day. I truly believe that the best thing we all have at Ingenes Toluca is honesty and gratitude.

I often say to them, "We didn't come here to make friends, but to work and achieve results." However, the truth is that we have realized that we have become a family.

Here, we touch upon sensitive topics, and we want to accompany and help build other families. The majority of our patients feel unprotected, but at Ingenes, we take it upon ourselves to guide them through the process of having a child.

As a mother myself, I share this with them. I want my patients to experience what I am experiencing. The patients open up and realize that they are not just a number to us. This is true from the first virtual consultation to the in-person meetings."

If you also want to become a mother and reside in the State of Mexico, Ingenes Toluca is the place for you 

Medical Director

Dr. Blanca Vara Miranda

(Medical License 5777542)

Office Hours

Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Saturdays: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM


Av. Ignacio Comonfort 1300, Col. La Providencia, Torre Zero Providencia, 4th floor, Office 401, 52177 Metepec, Mexico.


(722) 4780 400

Discover the best treatment for you at Ingenes

Our mission is to help you make an informed decision about your reproductive health, we'll create a fully personalized treatment for you, and make your dream come true.
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