
16 de May, 2023

"After 10 years of trying and with a diagnosis of uterine fibroids, I had my baby"

“My husband and I got married very young. I was about to turn 20, and we decided to wait to start a family. When we wanted to conceive naturally, it wasn't happening.

I had an ultrasound and it showed cysts on my ovaries. I began taking contraceptive pills as part of the treatment. They told us that in order to get pregnant, I needed to undergo treatment, and our first insemination was in November of that year.

I was 23 years old, and everything seemed to be in our favor, but it didn't work. We went through six inseminations... and nothing. I couldn't understand why. I would arrive at the doctor's office in tears, asking what was happening, but they wouldn't tell me anything.

Daniela, Ingenes mother, and her family

In 2016, we went to another clinic and had an in vitro fertilization (IVF) with two embryos, but it didn't work either. It was a huge frustration. Then I heard about the institute, and we went there in May 2019.

They told me I had some small fibroids outside the uterus, but they said it wouldn't affect the pregnancy. I had the embryo transfer in September, and it worked on the first try. I cried so much...

The doctor told me I was pregnant, and I started screaming. I couldn't believe it. It had been almost 10 years of waiting. The day after I got the positive result, I started experiencing some bleeding, but fortunately, it wasn't anything serious.

Daniela and Angelina, Ingenes family

From then on, the pregnancy was healthy. On May 17, 2020, my water broke, and we went to the hospital. By 7 in the morning, Angelina had already been born. It happened so quickly.

When they brought her to me, I felt like it was a dream to see her: her little hands, her tiny feet... My husband was by my side, and it was a beautiful moment. He's been happy, always. During the pregnancy, he would kiss my belly and talk to her. He's delighted; his love is so pure.

We waited for her with so much love, and all those years of bitterness and disappointment were worth it. She completed our family."

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