Schedulepro a LGBTQ

24 de June, 2023

Pride 2023: 3 testimonies of love and pride 🏳️‍🌈👩🏻‍🤝‍👩🏾👶🏻

We commemorate Pride month, Pride 2023, sharing with you 3 stories of same-sex couples, women who became proud biological mothers thanks to the ROPA Method. 👶🏻

1. Pride 2023: "We all have the right to form a family"

"When I accepted that I was gay, I had resigned myself to the thought that I would never have children. But then I met Karla, and she wanted to start a family. Overcoming that mindset was a process in itself! I'm 43, Karla is 29. We discussed the idea of having a child together, of expanding our family. It was crucial for us that the baby would be biologically related to both of us"

- Marilú, an Ingenes Mom via the ROPA Method.

The Instagram account @2mamasmx provides a glimpse into the daily life of an LGBT+ family from Mexico. The family consists of Marilú, Karla, and their two-and-a-half-year-old son, Camilo, who is the biological child of both mothers. Camilo was conceived via the ROPA Method of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), a beautiful embodiment to their loving and unified family journey.

ROPA method for couples of women wishing to have a baby 👶🏻👩🏻‍🤝‍👩🏾

The ROPA method of In Vitro Fertilization, also known as 'shared motherhood,' is an Assisted Reproduction technique that enables female couples to have a child that is biologically related to both of them. This is accomplished by using an egg from one partner to form an embryo, which is then implanted in the womb of the other partner for gestation. In this way, one partner becomes the genetic mother, and the other becomes the gestational mother—making both of them biological mothers.

@2mamasmx, Marilú and Karla encapsulate what Pride 2023 stands for. They live their love and sexual freedom openly, discuss candidly about the Assisted Reproduction method they chose, address the prejudices they've encountered as a same-sex couple, and take pride in their shared motherhood, caring for their little one, Camilo.


Learn their full story and how they achieved their baby through the ROPA Method of IVF, here:

2. Pride 2023: “Family is not defined in just one way. There are diverse types of families all around the world”

“I want to take this opportunity to address all LGBTIQ+ couples who are contemplating having a baby, starting a family. I want to say to them: Don't worry about what people will say, go for it! Family is not defined in just one way. There are all kinds of families in Mexico and all over the world. Do you know what matters the most? It's love - the yearning, the desire to share all your affection and love that you have as a couple, and to create a life that will belong to both of you. When love is this immense, it doesn't matter whom you love, nothing and no one else matters!”

- Guadalupe, an Ingenes Mom via the ROPA Method.

Guadalupe and her partner proudly share their love story to show that LGBTIQ+ families "have as much love as any other". They decided to do everything in their power to see the birth of Matías, their biological son conceived via the ROPA Method of In Vitro Fertilization.

In this Pride 2023, we leave you here their full story and how they achieved their baby through the ROPA Method of IVF:

3. Pride 2023: "Being married, being able to inherit... we can feel more secure"

“We pursued each other for a while before we started our life together. First, we got a car, then a house, and then we wanted to have babies. But first, we needed security. To ensure this, it was important to be married and have inheritance rights. In the past, getting married was a tedious process that involved legal proceedings, but establishing that foundation was crucial to us. So we started with the paperwork, and at the same time, we began our search for our baby.”

- Nela, an Ingenes Mom via the ROPA Method.

Candy and Nela, a lesbian couple from Chiapas, Mexico, have been together for over 21 years. Despite several obstacles and enduring a few losses, they are now the proud mothers of Juan Pablo and Jesus Gael. Their biological children were brought into this world through the ROPA Method of In Vitro Fertilization.

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