
18 de April, 2022

"I had my pregnancy at 40, but I spent 10 years looking for my baby"

Betzabé spent a decade trying to have a baby, from a very young age she had some problems with her period; and once she made the decision to become a mother, she had some complications. She tells you about her struggle, the failed treatments she went through, and how she finally became a mother with a successful pregnancy at 40, with the help of a multi-cycle In Vitro Fertilization program.

Ten years to reach you

"I got pregnant at the age of 40, but I spent 10 of those years trying to have my baby. I always knew I wanted to be a mum, it was something that was always on my mind, but I also knew it was going to be a complicated road, because from the age of 14 I started having problems with my period.

My periods lasted too long, they were too heavy and in order to control that I was told to take contraceptives.

Betzabé and her husband - Ingenes Family

In 2010, my sister got married and it wasn't long before she told us the big news that she was pregnant, God.... I remember it perfectly because it was right at that moment when I got the tingles, I wanted to live that dream too and start my family.

Afterwards, I talked about it with my husband and we started to try, but no matter how hard we tried, nothing happened, and I was trying to get pregnant for 3 years. During that time I started to go through some strange things, I started to gain weight and I was getting excessive hair on my legs and arms, something wasn't right.

A misdiagnosis that took away our savings

I went to my lifelong gynaecologist, but he sent me back to contraceptives, explained that I had polycystic ovaries and that, if I wanted to become a mother, the only alternative would be through In Vitro fertilization.

First I had a salpingography around 2017. The doctor said that, according to him, that would be enough, but nothing. There were a lot of expenses, before I even started planning my pregnancy, between the medication, the consultations and the treatment, almost all our savings went into that.

On TV they were always showing adverts for the Institute, but the truth was that I thought it wasn't for me, that I wouldn't be able to afford it, that the costs of an Assisted Reproduction treatment here were enormous, only for the rich, and it would cost an arm and a leg, that's what I thought.

When the pandemic started, I received insurance money and decided to go all in on this last multi-cycle treatment, I had nothing left to lose and I had just turned 39, so it was now or never.

Blocked fallopian tubes and a new opportunity

So I arrived, ready to start planning my pregnancy at 40 and, at my first consultation, I was told that my tubes were blocked and that's why I couldn't get pregnant.

The day I travelled to the Guadalajara branch to start my treatment I had a dream, a very nice dream, I saw my grandmother handing me a baby and somehow that calmed me down, it gave me a peace and a confidence that I can't explain.

It is a very complex process, it is difficult, a pregnancy is always complicated, but a pregnancy at 40, well... and even more so when you have been looking for it for so long; but fortunately, I had my husband and my family by my side , they supported me at all times.

On the day of the transfer, they placed 3 embryos and when I went for my test, positive! I couldn't believe it, I really couldn't believe it, I felt everything at the same time: emotion, anguish, happiness?

After so many negatives, so many times it didn't work out, after so many disappointments, I finally did it, I was pregnant, I got pregnant at 40! At week seven, two of the three embryos were lost, but I took it calmly because they had already explained to me that it was something that could happen.

During those 9 months I took all my control here much closer to home, and with an excellent doctor as well. The day my baby was born, I was reborn and I learned to see the world with new colours, having him in my arms was a dream come true, we have been together for 7 months now and it is what I love most in this world, there is nothing like this, truly, being a mother does not compare to anything".

Looking to get pregnant in your 40s but still can't get pregnant?

We know that, sometimes, there are different factors that may be complicating you from becoming a mother, but Assisted Reproduction today offers us multiple tools so that you can consolidate that dream with the support of fertility specialists.

If you are over 35 and you are trying to become a mother, but it has not yet been possible, either because of a medical issue or because you have waited for the precise moment when you were ready, we would like to invite you to tell us your story, what has been your path and the attempts you have made; with the aim of identifying what is preventing you from having a baby; and to draw up a personalised treatment plan.

At Ingenes, we have an Initial program for all women who want to experience motherhood and are willing to do everything to achieve it. Come here, tell us your story and let our team of expert embryologists, andrologists, gynaecologists with subspecialty in Reproductive Biology and psychotherapists help you bring your baby home.

Discover the best treatment for you at Ingenes

Our mission is to help you make an informed decision about your reproductive health, we'll create a fully personalized treatment for you, and make your dream come true.
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