
17 de August, 2023

“I'm 48 years old, and I'm a single mom”

Age is a fundamental factor when we talk about Assisted Reproduction treatments, since after the age of 35 the ovarian reserve of women decreases, and reaching menopause ends the reproductive cycle of a woman. 

At this stage, ovulation comes to a cease, which is why chances of successful conception are limited. Fortunately, there are different alternatives for women to become moms. One of the recommended alternatives for these cases is making use of egg donation, through In Vitro Fertilization, so that the pregnancies can be carried to term successfully.

This is what happened in Alba’s case, a proud mom from Ingenes, who tells us about her experience with this treatment.

A proud single mom by eggs donation

“I am a 48-year-old single mom and I have two little girls, they are the light of my life. I didn’t have a regular partner or a family with a husband, but I am a pediatrician and I always knew Iwanted to be a mom. 

Alba and her family.

When I turned 40 I knew that I was at my biological age limit to have a child, so I went to a clinic and underwent artificial insemination. I tried to get pregnant for 4 years, which caused me a lot of stress, because no attempt proved to be fruitful.

I don’t remember how it happened, I think someone told me about the Institute, they said they had an offer for Mother’s day, and my mom encouraged me to make an appointment. 

My mother and I decided to visit the institute, where I had a checkup, they said it was viable, but due to my age, I would require an egg transfer from a younger donor. I also received to the psychological attention, I attended group sessions and they told me I was experiencing an emotional block age, and once I worked on this aspect of my mental health the journey was much smoother. 

single-mother-I-am-48-years-old-and-I-am-a-proud-woman-of-advanced-maternal-age-carrying-her-baby-born-via-in-vitro-fertilization-together-with- his-great-grandmother
Alba with her great-grandmother, carrying one of her babies.

I was in Nayarit, in Mexico, and  the doctor called me to tell me that the embryos were ready and that I had to start treatment in preparation for the fertility process, I was prescribed a specific med, but finding it in Nayarit was going to be a challenge, so I went on a long drive searching all over town until I finally found it.

Embryo reduction, a difficult decision

I went back to the city, and saw the embryos, they were 3 and they were all of great quality . That was another difficult ,choice, because all of them were implanted and, all 3 were developing. We decided to do an embryo reduction, it was tough, and I was worried about what could happen, I started my prenatal checkup and everything went well.

Angela and Daniela, daughters of Alba - Ingenes babies

I experienced one complication during the second trimester. It was something strange, a very rare disease. I suffered from itching, it seemed that my body was reacting unfavorably, which was extremely rare, a one in-a million cases; but the pregnancy went very well, it was a great experience, and all the stress was definitely worth it.

Unfortunately, I was in intensive care for 9 days after my daughters were born, but they motivated me to make a speedy recovery, and thankfully, there were no sequels 

Angela and Daniela feeling the grass for the first time - Ingenes babies

My 2 little stars were fine from the very beginning, I feel like they were speaking to me, saying: ‘We’re going to be with you, mom, and we’re all making this final effort together”. Ángela and Daniela are the light of my life, truly wanted and loved.

They changed the lives of me and my family. Your dreams are worth fighting for, if you really want to make them come true, you must give until the last moment to achieve it! After trying many times, for many means, I succeeded and this is totally worth it”.

Angela and Daniela with Minnie Mouse t-shirts - Ingenes babies

Do you wish to become a single mom but still haven't achieved it?

According to information from the World Health Organization (WHO), if you are over 35 years old and have tried to have a baby for 12 months or more with no results, you need help from reproductive experts, who will help you accurately detect the reasons that might be preventing you from becoming a mom. 

If you feel identified with Alba's story, remember that many Assisted Reproduction alternatives can help you achieve your dream. You're not alone in this. 

At Ingenes, we have an Initial Program for all women who have decided to have a baby and are willing to do anything it takes to achieve it. This program focuses on identifying what is hindering your dream and helps us to develop a personalized treatment plan, which is carried out by a multidisciplinary team of fertility experts.

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Our mission is to help you make an informed decision about your reproductive health, we'll create a fully personalized treatment for you, and make your dream come true.
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