
31 de October, 2023

“I decided to become a single mother at the age of 40”

Becoming a mother is one of the most important decisions a woman can make in her life. But what happens when that decision is made alone? Lluvia decided to become a single mother at the age of 40.

In today's society, more and more women are choosing to exercise their right to motherhood freely without a partner, whether by choice or by life circumstances.

In getting to know Lluvia, we will explore her motivations, the challenges she faced, and her experience as a single mother.

Through her story of being a single mother, we hope to inspire other women who are in similar situations. We will provide them with a broader perspective so they know they are not alone and that all dreams are possible to achieve.


"I was 40 years old and wanted to get pregnant with my own eggs” 

“I am a single mother, and a friend of mine was the sperm donor. I was 40 years old and wanted to get pregnant with my own eggs. I knew it would be difficult due to my age, so I decided to go to a clinic.

They told me that I had an extrauterine fibroid, and to get pregnant, they had to remove it. I had to wait eight months for my uterus to recover before starting the treatment. 

It was emotionally tough; I felt anxious, thinking about my age and what would happen if I couldn't get pregnant even after all that. I was sad to think that maybe I wouldn't be able to have a child.

“Then I went to the Institute, and everything happened quickly. It worked on the first try”

The process was long because of the surgery, and I had to undergo many tests and take extra care. Even after the operation, I hesitated to return to the treatment because I felt insecure and restless.

Then I went to the Institute, and everything happened quickly. It worked on the first try. I followed every instruction and care, taking injections, hormones... but without getting my hopes up because I still thought it might not happen. I took it calmly; even when I was pregnant, I didn't want to tell anyone except for my mom and dad.

It's something you've been waiting for a long time, and you prefer to keep a cool head and your feet on the ground. I thought, 'I'll be calm until the baby is born.' And finally, it happened!"


“Balam is now 1 year and 6 months old, and he's the light of my life”

After waiting for so long, Balam was finally born. I saw him, and he lay down with me completely calm. I had so many emotions inside me, and I thought, 'How is it possible that this child was inside me?'

But it was natural as if we had always been together. The following months were usual; he cried and got used to the world, but I felt very calm. It was natural for me since his birth, as if I had always been waiting for him.

My friend was there from the beginning, and he gradually fell in love with the baby. He doesn't live with us, but he comes to see him every weekend and even more now. Balam is now 1 year and 6 months old, and he's the light of my life."

Assisted reproduction, the best alternative for being a single mother

It takes courage to make a decision like this, as it goes against social stereotypes and prejudices, but Lluvia didn't give up on her dream. Medical advancements and science now make it possible for single women to become mothers.

However, this is not a unique story. Tony also had his babies at the age of 43, and Alba is raising her children day by day after going through a path full of emotions, and both are single mothers.

If you, like them, want to reach for the stars and become a single mother, don't hesitate to reach out and tell us your story to find the best solution.

Click here to contact us. 

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