
31 de March, 2022

"I had it on my chest and I couldn´t believe it"

When there is a desire as great as that of having a child, nothing and no one can stop it. Assisted Reproduction transcends barriers, because it takes science to the limit in order to create life and challenges the deepest desires of women. How much do you want to be a mother?  

Here is the story of Luz, a woman who had to decide between continuing her marriage or pursuing her dream of starting a family. 

Indescribable love: When a mum meets her baby

"When Leonardo was born, they attached him to my chest, I couldn't believe it, he really exists! He was with me skin to skin for an hour... at that moment you forget everything, it's an indescribable love.

When my husband and I first got engaged he told me he didn't want to have children, he didn't want to get married, he didn't want to live with someone... but he always says that I made him change, little by little. We got married, I was 33 years old and then I told him: 'I thought I would be able to sacrifice that part of my life, but no, I want to have a baby, and if you don't want it, we'd better separate'. 

The alternative is called: Assisted Reproduction.

It was difficult, I loved him with all my being, but I didn't want to sacrifice that. Then he told me that he was afraid of being a bad father, that's when I understood everything... We talked and decided to try, then we stopped taking care of each other but it didn't work. I had cysts, polycystic ovary and my husband had teratozoospermia, we only had a 10% chance of getting pregnant, and the solution was to do it in vitro.

It wasn't easy, but when you are in treatment you see how many people can't be parents, it's more common than you think, and that helps you... and we were very lucky because from the first cycle, it worked. Twins: Leonardo and Daniela. It took us a while to see her because they took her for a check-up, but she was very well afterwards. I feel that this had an influence, the way they were born, because today they are one year old and they are different. They are the best gift that God could have given me, I love them with all my heart and I would do this a thousand times if I knew that the result was them, because the love they give us is invaluable. I would give my life for them and I would repeat all those sacrifices a thousand times more just to see them happy".

The dream of being a mum has no limits, you can have your baby!

Assisted Reproduction and the current technology that exists in Mexico in fertility institutes such as Ingenes, are a solution for those who have the dream of having a baby and until now have not been able to achieve it.

If you put your story in our hands, together we will write the best part of it, because we know that there are dreams that have a long road ahead, but at Ingenes we make that road an adventure.

Rest assured that this is the path that will lead you to your star. Come to us, we will help you to fulfil your dream of having your baby

Discover the best treatment for you at Ingenes

Our mission is to help you make an informed decision about your reproductive health, we'll create a fully personalized treatment for you, and make your dream come true.
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