
1 de June, 2023

"I had uterine fibroids and became a mother with IVF"

An erroneous fertility diagnosis can delay the journey for a baby and lead to treatments that do not meet the patient's needs; especially when it comes to uterine fibroids.

This is where Denisse and her husband lived for 8 years, and after several treatments decided to approach Ingenes to receive a complete fertility diagnosis. Read their story.

‘Even though we were frustrated, we were still looking for a baby, but being away from your family and surroundings makes everything more difficult.’

Denisse, Ingenes mother

"I had been trying to have a baby for 8 years. Together with my husband moved to Mexico from Venezuela, and at the beginning, we lived in Querétaro. In the beginning, we tried three artificial inseminations and 2 in vitros, and we got to the point of blaming each other.

A little later, we decided to settle in Mexico City, and that's where everything changed, but it wasn't easy. I was very tired of looking for that baby that would complete our happiness because I felt it was the only thing we were missing.

We were a perfect couple, but we were missing a child, and that made me feel lonely. In my environment, everyone was either with children or pregnant, all doing activities with their children.

'I was frustrated by constantly looking for something and not getting it’

I have four female sisters and I was the only one who had trouble getting pregnant; I remember talking about it a lot with my mom and she would tell me to be patient.

Just before I gave up, I met with the Ingenes team. When I arrived for my first appointment the only thing I asked them when I got there was to tell us exactly what was going on and what happened.

I was diagnosed with uterine fibroids and I just asked, 'Can it be done or not?' and the doctor replied that it could be done. They gave me hope, and that's when we decided: We started our treatment!

Ingenes family taking a walk

We were all committed to this fight: my family, my friends, and the doctors'

The day they finally announced I was pregnant, I couldn't believe it. My husband jumped up and down, hugged and held the doctor, it was beautiful. But at 8 weeks, I had one of the worst moments of my treatment: I had bleeding and I felt that everything was falling apart, that night I did not sleep and when I arrived at the Institute I could not stop crying, I felt that my whole life was going away.

When I passed the office and the doctor did the ultrasound and I hear the 'tuck, tuck, tuck' is when I realize that it was a beating heart: my baby was there, he had come to change my life, to make me more human, more sensitive... to be a mom.

Susana, Ingenes baby

Susana is close to being a quinceañera, she arrived at the right time and changed our lives. From that moment on we became the perfect family. I fought, I prayed, I cried, I sang, I laughed, and I did everything for her. From the moment I held her in my arms, I committed to giving her the best of me, to love her and protect her every day of my life.”

Becoming a mother through Assisted Reproduction treatment is possible! There are different alternatives for each case and at Ingenes we take care of your personalized fertility treatment to increase your chances of having a baby in the shortest time possible.

That's why we created our Initial Program to provide you with a complete evaluation of your fertility and identify what is preventing you from achieving your dream of becoming a mother. Our experts in Assisted Reproduction will help you achieve your goal.

Come to Ingenes, tell us your story here, and let us help you so that very soon you can hold in your arms the baby you are longing for.

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Our mission is to help you make an informed decision about your reproductive health, we'll create a fully personalized treatment for you, and make your dream come true.
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