
10 de June, 2023

"My 2 IVF babies are the real fighters"

By the age of 28, Rebeca had already been diagnosed with polycystic ovary disease and endometriosis. She resorted to different treatments to get pregnant, from medication to ovulate to artificial inseminations that were unsuccessful. Learn about her story of struggle and how she managed to become a mother to Elianne and Ricardo, her two IVF babies.

Rebeca and her IVF babies

"At the ultrasound they told us: 'Here is baby 1, baby 2...', they are the ones who fought, they chose us. When I got married I went to have a check-up, I had polycystic ovary and it wasn't sure that I would get pregnant naturally. I asked what we could do, I was on ovulation pills for four months, and nothing.

We underwent tests and I had endometriosis, which complicated things. They suggested an insemination and we started with pills, ultrasounds... five months and it didn't work. Then in a clinic we had another insemination and it didn't work either; they said I had fibroids in my uterus and they operated on me.


It's very difficult, we started out super positive and it didn't work, I was anxious and every week it was going to the doctor, taking pills, hormones... add to that the anxiety of not knowing what's going on and our relationship as a couple got complicated. Doing homework out of obligation affects you, and also that people ask you: 'When will it be done?

One day you wake up, you go all out and the next day you feel down, you don't know what to do. At the Institute they asked us how we felt, it was more human. .... I was 28 years old and they told us that with In Vitro Fertilization there was a better chance. With the first In Vitro cycle the pregnancy test was positive, but with a low percentage.


I knew I wasn't pregnant, I couldn't stop crying. After that, we waited a month, tried to forget about everything. We went back for the second cycle, they put in three embryos, and although the test was positive, I had doubts. We went to the ultrasound and they said: 'Here is baby 1, baby 2...', we were shocked.

In the 34th week of my pregnancy, my blood pressure went sky high, I went to the hospital and I had pre-eclampsia. They put me in the operating theatre, but at that moment I was happy because they were going to be born. Everything went very fast... they showed them to me and I remember touching their foreheads, first Elianne and then Ricardo, they weighed very little but today they are perfect.


It's a complex process, but you have to have a lot of faith. And today to see them here laughing... my house is upside down, but we are happy that it is exactly them. There is a reason why it didn't happen before. They are my In Vitro babies, they are the ones who fought and they are the best. They chose us as parents.

Do you want to have a baby but haven't succeeded yet?

If you identify with this story and have been diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis or are experiencing other problems in having a baby, it is important that you see a reproductive specialist who can detect precisely what is preventing you from becoming a mother.

At Ingenes, we have an Initial Program for all women who have decided to live their motherhood and are willing to do everything to achieve it. A program that focuses on identifying what is hindering your dream and drawing up a personalized treatment plan for you to have your baby, carried out by a multidisciplinary team of embryologists, andrologists, gynecologists with a subspecialty in Reproductive Biology and psychotherapists, among others.

Come to us and schedule your Initial Program, let us help you bring your baby home.

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Our mission is to help you make an informed decision about your reproductive health, we'll create a fully personalized treatment for you, and make your dream come true.
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