
18 de November, 2022

New mom at 43, that’s my story

Because of the biological clock of women, achieving a pregnancy spontaneously after 35 years of age is usually complicated and risky. However, thanks to advances in technology and research in Assisted Reproduction, it is now possible to have a baby without so many difficulties even after that age through fertility treatment.

Discover the story of Olga, a woman who became a mother at the age of 43 with the help of a multi-cycle In Vitro Fertilization treatment.

I was 43 and my husband 47 and it was my first pregnancy

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Olga - Ingenes mom

“I went through very painful procedures and they found nothing: ‘Infertility from unknown causes’, that totally demotivates you. When my husband and I decided to have a baby, we felt it was too late. You have another priority and you postpone your motherhood, but over time you realize that it is something you want, and maybe it is too late.

The biological clock works against us, especially women

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Angelique - Olga's daughter

I was 43 and my husband 47, and because it was my first pregnancy, everything was complicated. You think you can get pregnant without help, but in my case I needed it. I got married older, within the standards it can be said, we wanted to wait to have a family and when we decided everything got complicated. 

We spent 1 and a half years trying to have a baby, we went to two clinics and nothing happened, it was a hard process in every way. The emotional drain was huge, especially for me, because you are the one who undergoes the procedures; even my husband said: ‘I’m going to deliver my sample and that’s it’, but you need test after test, revision of the womb, of the tubes.

In addition, the social pressure is strong, and although I never agreed with the idea that ‘a woman can only be fulfilled by having a child’, if you genuinely have that dream, that desire, it’s very painful when you are not to be able to do it. All that lowers your spirits and the mind is powerful, you sink.

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Angelique celebrating her grandmother's birthday with her parents - Ingenes Family

I gave up the idea of being a mom after the first 2 clinics, we thought about adopting, but my husband and I supported each other and decided to try it one last time.

‘If it’s not here, I don’t want to know anything else

Finally, I went to Ingenes in 2015, it took us 3 years, I thought we wouldn’t make it. The last process of In Vitro Fertilization my husband and I went through, after 3 months we told the family. My husband made a video showing everything from the first ultrasound. It was incredible!

When the doctor told us: ‘It’s going to be a princess’, a girl! You can’t believe it and when the day comes, when I heard my little girl crying it was indescribable! A supreme emotion!

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Angelique in her ball pool - Ingenes baby

My husband fell in love from the first second, we waited so much for her: Angelique. Being a mom is a radical change, you crave it a lot! And since you are, your priorities change, your life changes completely, it is something so great. 

It is not easy and there are those who criticize you for thinking it, but all that empowers you, makes you grow. All the love and satisfaction of seeing her, her achievements, how she is growing…

I see everything that I am capable of doing today and I feel much stronger as a mom, and I’ll tell my daughter that if she wants to achieve something, fight for it and it’ll be fulfilled. We want to make her strong, so she knows her parents always fought for her to be here”

Are you 40 years old or older and dream of being a mom? We can help you

Becoming a mother at 40 is possible! There are different alternatives for each case and at Ingenes we take care of your personalized fertility treatment to increase your chances of having a baby in the shortest time possible.

That is why we created our Initial Program in order to provide you with a complete evaluation of your fertility and identify what is preventing you from fulfilling your dream of becoming a mother. Our experts in Assisted Reproduction will help you achieve your goal. Come to Ingenes, tell us your story here and let us help you to have the baby you long for in your arms very soon.

Discover the best treatment for you at Ingenes

Our mission is to help you make an informed decision about your reproductive health, we'll create a fully personalized treatment for you, and make your dream come true.
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