
12 de December, 2022

Universal HealthCare and Access to Assisted Reproduction for all people

Universal Health Care and access to Assisted Reproduction treatments

Access to Universal Health care is a right that all people have. This implies that all individuals and communities should be able to receive medical care without discrimination. However, circumstances in many parts of the world make this difficult, especially for people with limited resources.

Is Mexican Healthcare truly universal?

In Mexico, the healthcare system is made up of public and private institutions. The public institutions include the Mexican Social Security Institute (Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social) and the Institute of Social Security and Services for State Workers (Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado), to which contributions are made by all workers, employers, and the federal government.

There is also the Social Security Institute for the Mexican Armed Forces (Instituto de Seguridad Social para las Fuerzas Armadas Mexicanas) and the health service of Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX), which can only be accessed by family members of those who belong to or work in these governmental institutions.
There is also the Instituto de Salud para el Bienestar (Institute of Health for Well-Being), which attends people who do not belong to any of the aforementioned public institutions free of charge.

Assisted Reproduction in public healthcare


All of them respond to many patients and people suffering from medical complications. But there are exceptions, in the case of infertility, many of these institutions only provide medical assistance to women or couples who meet certain criteria, and, when this does not occur, they proceed to classify them as "non-candidates for reproduction".

On the other hand, fertility treatments in private institutions are usually inaccessible for people with scarce economic resources, because they have access to technological equipment and infrastructure that are difficult to find in public clinics.

Only a certain group of the population can access an Assisted Reproduction procedure in private clinics.

Assisted Reproduction in public institutions


Public health is a topic that is always a great discussion point, patients' experiences are very polarized, divided into the testimonies of people who "received good care" or " didn't even get their case resolved".

In the case of patients experiencing infertility, the negative side is more common, since certain clinics only treat women or couples with certain characteristics and, if they do not meet them, they may discard them and refuse to provide treatment.

Some of these criteria established by the Centro Médico Nacional 20 de Noviembre, belonging to ISSSTE,  to have a right to access assisted reproductive care are:

  • Patients must comply with the age limits:
    Female, 36 years of age
    Male, 55 years of age
  • Legally constituted couples must present the following documentation:

Copy of official identification from both partners and marriage or cohabitation certificate

  • Patients who have no or one child
  • Couples with no genetic anomalies inheritable to their children
  • For patients who present any concomitant disease, a preconception consultation will be performed to evaluate the potential pregnancy risks.

The medical authorities of certain institutes justify that these requirements are based on scientific criteria and the country's regulations on assisted reproduction. However, this argument violates the right to non-discrimination in access to health care, since excluding all women over 36 years of age, single or with any complication such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, and polycystic ovarian syndrome, among others, promotes this inequality and discrimination.

Assisted Reproduction for everyone

You might be interested in reading Maria del Carmen's story, who got her baby at 50 and despite having her tubes tied.

With this premise, several institutes and clinics of Assisted Reproduction have sought alternatives to get to all people who wish to have a baby and have been discarded in public health instances as candidates for treatment.

Instituto Ingenes aims to reach every corner of Mexico and the United States to help women and couples experiencing infertility to have a baby at home. For this reason, it has opened fourteen branches in Mexico and three more in the United States.

All of them have a medical team capable of diagnosing and treating various cases of infertility with the appropriate Assisted Reproduction treatments so that each patient who comes to us can fulfill their dream of having a child.

In addition, it offers economic alternatives such as payment facilities and, if your attempt to have a baby isn't successful, your money will be refunded in full. This claim is backed up by certification.

At Ingenes we believe that Assisted Reproduction is a right that everyone should have access to, just like starting a family, that is why we take care of bringing you our experience and technology within reach of your possibilities. We adapt to your needs.

Have you been trying to have a baby for more than a year and you haven't succeeded? At Ingenes we can help you.

If you would like to have a consultation with one of our fertility specialists to know your diagnosis, tell us about yourself by clicking on this link and we will gladly provide you with preliminary advice.

Discover the best treatment for you at Ingenes

Our mission is to help you make an informed decision about your reproductive health, we'll create a fully personalized treatment for you, and make your dream come true.
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