
30 de December, 2022

“My 4th IVF attempt was a promise that I made to my husband”

The journey of parenthood is complex. There are personal, physical, and emotional challenges that unexpectedly come up. The time frame is also unpredictable. However, with medical care and the proper support, anything is possible.

With Assisted Reproduction, there has been a wide range of cases with various obstacles, but even then, they have been successful. 

Among them, the case of Louise Brown, the first baby conceived through In Vitro Fertilization, stands out as well as the U.S. twins, who were begotten through preserved frozen embryos for 30 years. 

One of the success stories, is Beatriz and her baby, Santiago's case, who lived the process of Assisted Reproduction treatment and fought everything against them to make their dream come true.

Beatriz and her son, Santiago, an Ingenes family

“One day, Rodrigo suggested I should visit the Institute.”

“I was pregnant in 2015, and 2 months later I had a miscarriage. 

I married Rodrigo in 2016. He contracted chickenpox and we were making sure to prevent pregnancy at the time. It was until 2017 that we started seeing different doctors. They said we were okay and gave us treatment. It didn't work. So one day, Rodrigo told me to go to the Institute."

Baby Santiago, 2 months old - Proud Ingenes baby

He booked the appointment for me, and took me to the institute, I didn't know anything about this subject, but I left the place feeling fascinated, however, at that time we simply couldn't afford it. It wasn't until 2019 that, one day, he said to me "I've paid for the treatment"

We began the treatment, we chose the multicycle program with 4 cycles. I had an egg retrieval, got pregnant, and had a miscarriage 12 weeks later.

Baby Santiago wearing an aviator hat - Proud Ingenes baby

I didn't want to keep going, I was so hurt. I started thinking it was my fault, that I was useless. Rodrigo told me to talk to the doctor to understand what was next

All of the staff at Merida's branch were heaven-sent for me, they were full-time with me. The pandemic came and the doctor told us to wait. In 2021, Rodrigo insisted on going to the Institute again. I didn't want to because of my age.

Santiago as a newborn being held by his mother - Proud Ingenes baby

“My doctor told me to keep trying, and we'd make it.”

I am 45 now. I thought I was so old that I wouldn't be able to. My doctor told me to keep trying. I went through a third in vitro fertilization, my mom had a stroke, Rodrigo started to feel sick and I had a miscarriage.

Baby Santiago - Proud Ingenes baby

My 4th cycle happened at the perfect time

We returned to the Institute on April 23rd to begin the fourth cycle, and Rodrigo passed away on April 26th. The therapist from the Institute reached out to me to offer me emotional support and I realized I had two options: traveling and forgetting about everything or taking the treatment. 

Everyone at the Institue gave me all the help and stood up for me.

 A month later, they told me I was pregnant so I started to spread the word. I felt I honored the plans I made with Rodrigo, for me that was a promise I owed to him.

Beatriz and Santiago in their yard - a proud Ingenes family

“I told my baby to hold on, I was going to take care of him.”

I took care of myself and the pregnancy was perfect. My mom had two more strokes but I told my baby to hold on, I was going to take care of him. He gave me nothing to worry about. 

He was born in January at 31 weeks. That day I began feeling really sick, the doctor checked on me and said it was time to start labor. I was very afraid because he was so little. But it was the best decision.

Beatriz by the beach during her maternity photoshoot - a proud Ingenes mom

Both Rodrigo's family and mine were always with me. Rodrigo's brother is the godfather, they look for us. I have two families now and both love Santiago. I live by myself with my child but we are fine, I am blessed. 

He is the most loving, healthy, and smiley kid. He has gotten some traits from Rodrigo, my husband was so outgoing, he struck up conversations even with rocks! Santiago is precisely like that, wherever he goes. He is an angel, my little angel.

Baby Santiago about to fall asleep - a proud Ingenes baby

“I will let my baby know how much his Dad loved him”

Before he was born, I already knew his name, where he was going to be born, and who the godfathers would be. He was loved before he was born. As women, we are not guilty of not being able to have kids.

I am a single mom and that is something unplanned but the situation is giving me straight and power. Everything happens for a reason. I used o blame myself, but then I understood I wasn't guilty.

Santiago smiling at his mom - a proud Ingenes baby

There is always hope when some doors are closed and you lose a baby. Now I am happy to open a new door.I will tell my baby that his dad loved him, that he was a miracle in my life, he completely changed my life.

I wouldn't know if with grief I could accept a lot of things that I am accepting now. I didn't grieve because I had Santiago with me.

Beatriz and Santiago spending some of their first days together - a proud Ingenes family

All of the Merida staff is my family now. I wouldn’t have made it without them. They didn't treat me as a client or another patient, they really got involved. I have no words to thank Ingenes for everything, without you I wouldn't be here.”

A portrait of Rodrigo and Santiago - a proud Ingenes family

Are you looking to build the family of your dreams?

If you like Beatriz, have the dream of becoming a mother, learn about the different programs and treatments that Ingenes Insitute offers. 

Challenges may arise during the process, but you will never be alone. A highly trained team of experts will be accompanying you on your journey to make your dream come true.

Discover the best treatment for you at Ingenes

Our mission is to help you make an informed decision about your reproductive health, we'll create a fully personalized treatment for you, and make your dream come true.
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