
27 de July, 2022

Querétaro: A place full of magic

Ingenes Mexico branches are located in perfect places to carry out the dream of becoming a mom, in the most emblematic cities of the country 👆

Ingenes Querétaro is one of the branches of the leading Institute of Fertility and Genetics in Latin America, where high and low complexity Assisted Reproduction treatments are performed, thanks to the fact that it has cutting edge technology to attend your case in the best way and guarantee the result you expect.

This branch is fully equipped, it has an operating room, medical offices, In Vitro Fertilization and andrology laboratories, private recovery rooms, use of NASA technology and a multidisciplinary team, which is made up of doctors, biologists, embryologists, andrologists, geneticists and nurses, specialists with experience in the field of Human Reproduction 👩‍⚕️👨‍⚕️

Ingenes Querétaro is the ideal place to have your baby. Come and let us help you achieve it.

Ingenes Querétaro

Open: 2017

Hours of operation and service:

Monday to Friday: 08:00 – 17:00 hrs

Saturday: 08:00 – 15:00 hrs

Address: Paseo Monte Miranda Avenue 5, 9th Floor, Distrito Piamonte, 76240, El Marqués, Querétaro, México. 

Ingenes Querétaro

Why is Querétaro an ideal place to have your baby? 👌

Querétaro is the epicenter of the history of the Mexican nation, it is the city that was key to the declaration of Independence, and it was the capital of the country on two occasions.

The state of Querétaro has stood out thanks to its economic dynamics, because national and transnational companies from the industrial, commercial and services sectors have settled there. In recent years, the development of the entity has excelled thanks to the aerospace industry ✈️, which places it in fourth place worldwide as a center of aerospace activities, behind Singapore, Dubai and Bangalore.

In addition, it is also part of the Cultural Heritage of Humanity, since the Historical Center of the capital has been declared and considered by UNESCO, as well as the area of historical monuments, the Franciscan missions of the Sierra Gorda and the Camino Real from Tierra Adentro.

Querétaro is the most beautiful word in the Spanish language, and its great cultural richness, traditions and gastronomy will make this stop on your road something unforgettable.

Unmissable places in Querétaro

In Querétaro there are fascinating places, which make it the perfect setting to make your dream come true, starting with its archaeological sites, such as: Toluquilla, El Cerrito, Tancama and Ranas, places you can visit in a guided tour to learn about the stories from these prehispanic places, the Otomí, Toltec, and Chichimeca cultures, as well as taking with you amazing postcards 🏞️

Querétaro has 6 magical towns, very close to the city: Bernal, Tequisquiapan, Cadereyta, Jalpan de Serra, San Joaquín and Amealco. If you can visit at least one of them, you won’t regret it.


How about filling yourself with energy and starting your journey with all the attitude? The Peña de Bernal is full of mysticism, and brings energy to everyone who climbs it. It is a wonderful place which will fascinate you 🌄 with its landscape.

Peña de Bernal

Come to Ingenes and take the first step towards your baby 👶

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