
29 de April, 2023

Assisted Reproduction: a scientific alternative not very well accepted

Nowadays, even though there is an increased open mind to reproductive health issues because of the scientific progress in that matter and easier access to information, Assisted Reproduction keeps being a social taboo. It is a pointed-out topic, criticized and accepted just by a percentage of people.  

In a society where every kind of scenario and experience exists, where cultures merge and preferences converge, where we discuss equality and seek equity, there still exists a stigma and doubt towards the highly studied methods to create life. Even if these methods help people to accomplish their dream of having a family. 

Prejudice doesn't stop science and society, 

However, no matter if prejudice and ignorance are around reproductive health topics, there are a lot of examples of the world and its habitants going through major changes; it is the case of how family structures transformed. Now we have diverse families with different members not adjusted to the traditional mom, dad, and children composition. 

New family models

At the time, there are a lot of types of families, such as: 

  • Nuclear family without kids: a couple
  • Monoparental nuclear family with kids: single parent with children
  • Biparental nuclear family with kids: a couple with kids  
  • Compound family: a single person or a couple with or without children living with relatives or nonkinship people
  • Homoparental family: a same-sex couple with or without kids
  • Heteroparental family: a different-sex couple with or without kids 
  • Extensive family: parents and kids including grandparents or uncles and aunts 
  • Assambled family: a person with kids living as a couple with someone without kids
  • Coexistent society: two or more people living together establishing a home and willing to stay together long term, helping each other with or without kids

All of us have the right to have a family and it is proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Thanks to research and constant Assisted Reproduction specialists' investigation, almost everyone who wishes to have a baby, can make their dream come true: single mothers, heterosexual couples, and even people with tubal ligation or vasectomy. 

You may be interested in learning what the ROPA method is. It helps same-sex couples to become biological mothers. That is the case of Marilú and Karla

Assisted Reproduction: an opportunity for everyone 

Through assisted reproduction, we have found solutions for all kinds of people. The treatments are divided into two groups: 

Among all, IVF is the most popular because it has the highest success rates. It has changed the lives of people that would like to experience parenthood and for any reason have not achieved it. Not just for physiological reasons, but also for those who have been delaying maternity and can't avoid the famous “biological clock”. 

“Getting pregnant in a natural way and becoming moms and dads is science as well as it is through Assisted Reproductive Technology.” Says Dr. Martín Rivera, Medical Director of Ingenes Institute Guadalajara. 

Dr. Martín Rivera, gynecologist and biologist, shares his opinion on what involves assisted reproduction treatments and how this alternative has changed people's lives despite the prejudices: 

“It is easy to doubt what is not familiar for us, even to keep a defensive posture, still if we are not well informed. Usually, we are afraid of accepting that there are a lot of options to accomplish something. Maybe because at one point society taught us that there is a specific and natural order of life. Nevertheless, everything has multiple ways to achieve what we are looking for. How many things don't we wish to be following in order? Everything would be easier. Luckily, for what is not easy, scientific progress has given us solutions.” 

He adds:

“Having a baby through treatment, requires a whole process, mental and physical. Because you need willingness, discipline, and a lot of love to make a sacrifice that people describe as something priceless.” 

You may be interested in the case of Betzabé, who had her baby by IVF after 10 years of trying.

How does assisted reproductive technology help people?

Technology amazes a lot of people, confuses some, and worries others. What is innegable is that it never keeps adding results in favor of people that have all the love and conviction to become parents. 

However, being to get pregnant and having a baby are not the only benefits that assisted reproductive technology has achieved, it also allows us to: 

These make possible that more and more people understand the importance of reproductive medicine and specifically, assisted reproduction as an essential key to exercise the right to have a family. 

What do we do in Ingenes? 

In Ingenes, all our programs are focused to transform people's lives with the arrival of a baby boy or girl. We help people who are fighting against fertility issues, and also those who decided to postpone their family life plans for the perfect time. We help single mothers, women couples, and whoever has the will to do all in their hands to have a child. 


From Artificial Insemination to In Vitro Fertilization, we use the highest technology in reproductive healthcare for women to achieve the result they are looking for, considering the less physical, emotional, and financial wear. 

Maybe some people still ask society to make a decision, and maybe some people don't dare to mention it, but the results are there, the progress keeps going and every time there are more people accepting other options and approaching specialists. 

“Above all, the critics, and what others can say, Assisted Reproductive Technology changes lives and makes dreams come true”, Dr. Rivera declares. 

Discover the best treatment for you at Ingenes

Our mission is to help you make an informed decision about your reproductive health, we'll create a fully personalized treatment for you, and make your dream come true.
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